Lucknow: Under the leadership of Vice Chancellor Prof. Alok Kumar Rai, in the “Eminent Lecture Series” at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Lucknow University, Dr. Saurabh Agarwal, spokesperson of St. John’s University, USA, presented his views on the topic “New approaches related to artificial intelligence for the treatment of cancer”.
He told that it usually takes 20 to 50 years to make a cancer drug to bring it to the market, so prediction based model is useful. NIH and other funding agencies are interested in cancer research and prevention.
He invited students to study through mutual cooperation and discussed this technology with students and teachers. Students asked questions related to cancer and treatment and understood the importance of adjuvant therapy.
Prof. Pushpendra Kumar Tripathi, Director, Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Lucknow University told that students are encouraged by such events and are inspired to innovate.