Lucknow: On the occasion of Janmashtami, CM Yogi Adityanath reached Lucknow Reserve Police Line. There he addressed the police personnel. Chief Secretary Manoj Kumar Singh and top officials were present on this occasion. Earlier, the Chief Minister reached Banke Bihari temple during the day. On this occasion, artists from Mathura gave cultural performances. In his speech, CM Yogi said that this is the only festival which is celebrated in homes, temples as well as jails and police stations.
He said that the Uttar Pradesh Police Force considered work as the main thing without worrying about loss and profit. The police and the state which were considered the worst. Today it is becoming the growth engine of the country’s development. Presenting a model of law and order. Now there is happiness, peace and goodwill everywhere in the state. This event is being organized with great pomp in all 1585 police stations, 75 police lines, more than 90 jails of the state, but 10 years ago this was not possible. Governments were afraid that what would be the benefit of organizing the event.
The CM said that in Shrimad Bhagwat Gita, Lord Krishna also tells Arjun that Karmanyewadhikaraste Ma Phaleshu Kadachana… O Arjun, you do your work, do not worry about the result. He said that we often worry about profit and loss before doing work. By doing this, we are deprived of its virtue. If we do good, it will be good, if we do bad, no one can free us from sin. If you have done work for public welfare, then no power can deprive you of its virtue. The inspiration of work is important.
Shri Krishna gave rest to his leela after spending 125 years and 8 months on earth
CM Yogi said that Lord Krishna is accepted as the previous incarnation of Shri Hari Vishnu. This year is the 5251st birth anniversary of Lord Krishna, the leeladhaari, as per the belief of the scriptures of India. The sequence of his leela started from his birth itself. He gave rest to his leela after spending 125 years and 8 months on this earth. We use his deeds as evidence for a long time through different programs.
The Shrimad Bhagwat Gita is worshipped in every home
CM Yogi said that the Shrimad Bhagwat Gita is the only holy book in the world, whose immortal knowledge he gave to Arjuna on the battlefield. We worship the Shrimad Bhagwat Gita as a book in every home, and the judiciary of India also has the same reverence for that book as the followers of Sanatan Dharma. The Shrimad Bhagwat Gita is also considered as the salvation book.
Four important purusharthas in life
CM Yogi said that there are four important purusharthas (dharma, artha, kama and moksha) in a human being’s life. The foundation starts with dharma. He earns wealth through karma. When he uses it in the fulfillment of desires, the path to liberation is paved. This is a common belief, but the important teachings of Shrimad Bhagwat Gita still provide new inspiration to every Indian.
We will make India developed by 2047
CM Yogi said that in the main ceremony of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, the PM had said that we have to work according to the action plan for the next 25 years, that is, we will give a developed India to the generation of 2047. Where there will be happiness on every face. There will be no sorrow, poverty, anarchy, hooliganism anywhere. Every hand will have work and every field will have water. We will move forward with this resolution. To achieve the goal of 2047, PM Modi talked about Panch Pran. The most important vow in Panchpran is civic duty.
Adopt the path of solution for success in life
CM Yogi said that every citizen will also have his own duties. Everyone talks about rights, but does not discuss duties. Adopt the path of solution for success in life. When the goal is solution, success will be achieved. When you think about the problem, you will find ten excuses. The problem cannot be solved by procrastination. For the solution, you need hard work, action and effort, not excuses. A book like Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta inspires action. The Lord gave this message in the midst of lakhs of armies standing face to face in Kurukshetra. This is the only book in the world that inspired religion and action. Its teachings were given on the battlefield. This teaching is about action. Without action, the means of religion, wealth and desires cannot be completed. Neither can salvation be achieved. Indian wisdom has always given priority to action.
My every action will be in the name of the country
The CM said that we should have a feeling of pride towards the heritage. We will increase development by respecting the heritage. He appealed that everyone should discharge civic duties in their area. Our goal should be that my every action will be in the name of the country. If we work with the feeling that I will dedicate everything for the country, then the blessings of the Lord will remain.
During this, Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak, Rajya Sabha MP Dr. Dinesh Sharma, Sanjay Seth, Mayor Sushma Kharkwal, MLA Neeraj Bora, OP Srivastava, Legislative Council Member Mukesh Sharma, Chief Secretary Manoj Singh, Additional Chief Secretary (Home) Deepak Kumar, Director General of Police Prashant Kumar etc. were present.
CM enjoyed cultural programs
CMS Gomti Nagar, Kunwars Global School and other children performed soulful dance and paid their respects to deities. On the occasion of Lord Krishna Janmotsav, cultural programs based on the direction of all the leelas from the child leelas of the Lord were also presented. CM also enjoyed the cultural programs.