Ayodhya: A case of theft of 3800 bamboo lights and 36 gobo projector lights installed on Ram Path and Bhakti Path leading to Ramlala’s temple in Ayodhya district of Uttar Pradesh has come to light. In this case, Shekhar Sharma, representative of M/s Yash Enterprises and Krishna Auto Mobile, has lodged a complaint in Ramjanmabhoomi police station. At the same time, the police has registered a case and started investigation.
Lights found missing on inspection
According to the information, under the contract given by Ayodhya Development Authority, 6,400 ‘bamboo lights’ were installed on the trees of Rampath and 96 ‘gobo projector’ lights on Bhaktipath by the firm Yash Enterprises and Krishna Automobiles. The representative of the firm, Shekhar Sharma, told the police in the complaint that his firm had installed 6,400 bamboo lights on Rampath and 96 gobo projector lights on Bhaktipath. He said that till 19 April 2024, all the lights were complete, but on inspection on 9 May 2024, it was found that some lights were missing, which till now about 3800 bamboo lights and 36 gobo projector lights have been stolen by some unknown thieves. At present, the police have registered a case and started investigation.