Mumbai: Actor Raghav Juyal said that he felt he had a great opportunity to show the public that he could act and that taking on a bad part was a significant responsibility with “Kill.”
“Every step of the way, from trying out for ‘Kill’ to filming it with Lakshya, has been enjoyable for me. As I’ve always stated, I’ve never shied away from putting in a lot of effort. Playing a bad part always carries a lot of responsibility and demands a great deal of conviction, but with “Kill,” I got to show the world that I can act too,” Raghav remarked.
For this one, Lakshya and I put in a lot of physical training, which strengthened our relationship off-screen as well. The most endearing quality I find in my movie character Fani is his dark sense of humor and sarcasm. Since Fani is a cunning young man who adds the excitement to the movie, mental preparation for this part was more important than physical preparation, he said.
Actor Lakshya discussed the movie, which will soon be available for streaming on OTT, saying, “I went through a very strict fitness regime for my character Amrit.” I sometimes went over and above to fit the part. I think of Nikhil Sir as my greatest mentor since he has been a true guiding force for me throughout the process. I am eager to attempt on various roles after delving into the action genre.
Nikhil Nagesh Bhat, the writer and director, expressed his excitement at witnessing “Kill” go from a successful theatrical run to getting ready for an OTT release.
“A personal encounter that affected me permanently during 1994–1995 served as my inspiration for the narrative in Kill. Therefore, it was crucial for me to convey my actual feelings in “Kill” by making it as unadulterated as possible, he added.
“Kill” would not have been feasible without Lakshya’s unbridled talent, Raghav’s polished demeanor, and the unwavering backing of the whole team,” Bhat said.
Disney+ Hotstar will begin streaming “Kill” on September 6.