Agra: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said that Ayodhya and Kashi have achieved their goals. Now Braj Bhoomi’s turn is also going to come. Now no one will dare to tease you for development. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, while addressing a public meeting in Kirawali, Agra, appealed to send BJP candidate Rajkumar Chahar from Fatehpur Sikri to the House again.
He gave a big statement saying that Ayodhya and Kashi have achieved their goals. Now Braj Bhoomi’s turn is about to come. Now no one will dare to tease you for development. This entire area is part of Braj land. Giriraj Maharaj has great blessings here. The world sees Krishna Kanhaiya in every splendor here. It is fortunate that all of you are engaged in serving Mother India by living on this earth.
He further said that now an airport is being built in Agra also. People of Congress, SP-BSP were making a dent in the security of the daughter-businessman by making the mafia and criminals a necklace. These people are going to the mafia’s grave and reciting Fatiha. Tell them in the elections, the votes will go to Kamal, you people are being given a leave of five years, go and read Fatiha a lot. While we are giving darshan of Ramlala in Ayodhya, we are also giving Ram-Nam Satya to the mafia. Our slogan is nationalism, not casteism. Those who talk about caste and family want to weaken the country.
CM Yogi said that Lord Ram’s Surya Tilak was done on the day of Ram Navami. On one side, people of Congress, SP and BSP used to say that what is the proof that Ram was born in Ayodhya. They used to say that Ram-Krishna had never existed, as if it seemed that Congress, SP-BSP had come into existence before this creation. It is the glory of PM Modi that the lies of these people failed and the temple of Ramlala was also built. It was PM Modi who laid the foundation stone of Ram temple in Ayodhya and also performed its consecration. Even though PM Modi was not in Ayodhya at the time of Surya Tilak, his mind was only in Ayodhya.
CM Yogi said that on one hand the heritage is being respected and on the other hand development works are also being done. Congress and SP people did not open Jan Dhan accounts to rob the rights of the poor. The poor used to feel cold in the winter and go to sleep hungry during the rains, but in the Modi government, they are getting the benefits of schemes on the basis of ‘Sabka Saath-Sabka Vikas’. Convenience to all, but appeasement to no one.