Lucknow: Following the tragic murder of Bharat, a Flipkart delivery boy, a large protest broke out at the company’s warehouse on Chinhat Satrikh Road in Lucknow. Dozens of delivery workers, along with Bharat’s grieving family, gathered to demand justice and improved safety measures for delivery personnel.
Key Demands Raised by Protesters
The protesters have raised three primary demands:
- Death penalty for Bharat’s murderers: The protesters, led by Bharat’s family members, are calling for swift and severe punishment for those responsible for his death.
- Compensation for the bereaved family: Bharat’s family is seeking appropriate compensation from Flipkart to help them cope with the loss of their primary breadwinner.
- Safety measures for delivery boys: Delivery workers are urging the company to implement stronger security protocols to protect them while on the job, particularly when delivering in high-risk areas.
Operations at a Standstill
As a result of the protest, all Flipkart deliveries originating from the Chinhat warehouse in Lucknow have been halted. This disruption has caused a significant backlog, impacting numerous deliveries scheduled for the day. The company has not yet issued an official response to the protesters’ demands.
The death of Bharat has sparked serious concerns about the risks faced by delivery personnel, and the protest is expected to continue until there is a satisfactory response from authorities and Flipkart management.