Lucknow: In a swift and successful operation, the Indira Nagar Police have rescued a 17-year-old minor girl who was abducted by a youth from her school. The police also arrested the accused, Subhash Kanaujia, who had lured the girl and taken her away on January 16, 2025.
Details of the Incident
The minor girl, a student, was coaxed by Subhash Kanaujia, a resident of Sugaamau’s Janki Vihar Colony, to leave her school premises and accompany him. The girl’s family filed a formal complaint at the Indira Nagar Police Station, leading to the registration of a kidnapping case.
The mother of the student reported the incident to the police on January 17, 2025, following which an FIR was immediately lodged for kidnapping. The police were quick to respond, working relentlessly to locate the girl.
Police Action and Arrest
Within 24 hours of the incident, the police traced the location of the missing girl and successfully rescued her. The accused, Subhash Kanaujia, was arrested in connection with the crime.
During the investigation, the accused confessed to his involvement in the kidnapping, and he was taken into custody.
Further Investigation
The police have charged Subhash Kanaujia under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) for kidnapping and related offenses. Further inquiries are underway to uncover any additional details regarding the motive behind the abduction.
Police Statement
The police commended their team for the prompt and efficient response in rescuing the minor girl and bringing the accused to justice within such a short period. Authorities have assured the public that such incidents will be dealt with swiftly to ensure the safety of minors in the city.
Significance of the Rescue
This successful rescue highlights the police’s commitment to ensuring the safety and security of children in the city. The quick arrest of the accused has been a significant achievement in maintaining public trust and ensuring justice for the victim and her family.