Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh Chief Electoral Officer Navdeep Rinwa said that in the third phase in the state, voting will be held for 10 Lok Sabha seats on May 7. In the third phase, 100 candidates are in the fray for all these Lok Sabha seats. The election campaign will end on May 5, i.e. 24 hours later, at 6 pm on Sunday.
Commission gave strict instructions
The Chief Electoral Officer said that in order to conduct free and fair elections, under Section 126 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951, in the period of 48 hours before the end of voting in the constituencies i.e. from 06 pm on May 05, all the 10 Lok Sabha constituencies There will be a ban on all activities and campaigns related to election campaign. Also, after the end of the election campaign period, there will be a complete ban on the presence of external workers and officials of all political parties in the constituency.
The Chief Electoral Officer said that after the election campaign is over, the District Election Officers of these constituencies will ensure that officials and workers of all outside political parties are not present in the constituency during this period. For this we will ensure that the instructions of the Commission regarding the ban on election campaigning before voting are brought to the notice of all political parties, candidates and their representatives.
Voting will be held on 10 Lok Sabha seats
The Chief Electoral Officer said that the Election Commission has banned carrying mobile phones, smart phones, wireless sets etc. inside the polling stations on the day of voting. Presiding Officers will be able to take their phones in silent mode and use them for communication with Sector Officers, Returning Officers and Observers only in case of need and emergency.
The Chief Electoral Officer said that voting is to be held on May 07 for 10 Lok Sabha seats of the third phase in the state, which include Sambhal, Hathras, Agra, Fatehpur Sikri, Firozabad, Mainpuri, Etah, Badaun, Amla and Bareilly Lok Sabha constituencies. The 10 Lok Sabha seats in the third phase fall in Moradabad, Sambhal, Hathras, Aligarh, Agra, Etah, Firozabad, Mainpuri, Etawah, Kasganj, Badanu and Bareilly districts.