People have made up their mind says Rajnath Singh

Lucknow: Addressing a huge public gathering at Munshi Pulia Indira Nagar crossing, Rajnath Singh said, “I am convinced that the people here have made up their minds and have resolved to ensure a landslide victory for the Bharatiya Janata Party.

I do not want to make any long speech here, our  Chief Minister will have a long detailed conversation in front of you all. We keep communicating with the people here regularly, we keep communicating through personal channels, we keep communicating collectively as well, but today I would like to tell you that the four phases of elections that have taken place in this country have brought out some facts and the politicians and analysts are also claiming that this time the Bharatiya Janata Party, NDA is going to win more than 400 seats.”

Sisters and brothers, at this time the victory of any candidate is not as important as the fact that who can make the country proud.

If anyone turns the pages of the history of our government in the last 10 years and looks at it, he will accept the truth that if any government has done the work of raising India’s head high at the international level, then its name is Narendra Modi. Earlier, India did not get the respect it deserved in the international world. Earlier, when India used to say something on national platforms, the world did not take our words seriously. It was believed that India is a weak India, India is a poor India, but today this thing has completely changed in the international world. Brothers and sisters, now when India says something at the international level, everyone listens with open ears to what India is saying. This has become the status of India. India is no longer known as a weak India in the world, rather it is known as a powerful India in the world. Earlier, people had this notion that the world’s power will mess with India and India does not have the strength, India does not have the status to face them, but today, being the Defense Minister of the country, I want to say with confidence that now our India is no longer a weak India, rather it has become a very powerful country in the world. We have never dared to show our eyes to any country in the world but if anyone tries to show our eyes to India, we have the strength to give them a befitting reply.

But people are constantly trying to defame our central government. It is being said without any basis that if our government comes to power, it will abolish reservation.

It is our government which has made the reservation system more effective. For the first time any government has done the work of giving constitutional rights to the OBC commission, and it has been done by the government led by Modi ji. Not only this, the government has also worked to give 10% reservation to the economically backward class people, but they are trying to gain public support by fooling the public.

I believe that meaningful politics cannot be done by fooling the public. If meaningful politics has to be done, it can be done only by looking into the eyes of the public.

These people have created a strange situation. They say that if Modi wins by more than 400 votes, the democracy of the country will be in danger. You all know that for the first time in the history of independent India, if anyone has done the work of strangling the democracy of this country, it is Congress.

After losing the election for MP,  Indira Gandhi had imposed emergency on the country. She had declared emergency. She had put lakhs of people in jail. She had dissolved many union governments. I myself was a victim of it. I was 25 years old at that time. I was also arrested and kept in jail for 18 months. I was even kept in solitary confinement for two and a half months. Even after my mother’s death, the government did not give me parole to participate in her last rites. It was such a dictatorial government. It was a Congress government. Today, the Congress party is telling us that if the Bharatiya Janata Party wins and Modi Ji becomes the Prime Minister, democracy will be in trouble. I want to say that political parties should not do politics only to form a government, they should do politics to make politics stronger. And today, if I am asking for votes from you people, it is not only because I will become an MP. The candidates will become MLAs, it will be a great miracle. We are asking for votes because we want to build our country. We want to make the country proud in the whole world. This is our heartfelt desire. We want your support to fulfill that desire.

A gentleman has just been released from jail. The Chief Minister of Delhi has been released from jail. After his release from jail, how badly his party’s MP was mistreated in his own house and these people want to claim to run the country.

They are creating all kinds of misunderstandings that if Modi is elected, he will become a dictator. Brothers and sisters, the Chief Minister of Delhi has also deceived these people. There was a movement going on with Anna Hazare sahab. They were involved in that movement. Despite their request, Anna Hazare sahab said that no government will be formed, otherwise the integrity of our movement will naturally be questioned in the minds of the people. They did not even listen to Anna Hazare sahab.

And these people talk about the Bharatiya Janata Party. They are creating all kinds of misunderstandings in the minds of the people. Today I am among you all. I have come to say that whenever such a special situation has come, these people have strangled democracy. The Bharatiya Janata Party is the party that strengthens democracy and makes democracy effective said the CM Yogi.

Rajya Sabha MP Sudhanshu Trivedi, Metropolitan President Anand Dwivedi, MLC Mukesh Sharma, Mayor Sushma Kharkwal, MLC Dr Mahendra Singh, Mohsin Raza, former Rajya Sabha MP Ashok Bajpai, former assembly candidate OP Srivastava, assembly coordinator Trilok Adhikari were mainly present.


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