CM Yogi asks Kashi to show a large heart

Varanasi: Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath (CM Yogi)  in the Varanasi Lok Sabha Election Steering Committee meeting at the BJP office in Rohania, gave a mantra to the officials and leaders for the record victory of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Putting full emphasis on the strength of the booth, he said that the Prime Minister should win with so many votes that the entire country will be proud of the people of Kashi.

Chief Minister (CM Yogi) said that the process of nomination of the first phase has been completed. Election campaign work has started.

At the same time, the nomination process of the second phase will also be completed soon and the campaign will also start on a war footing. The last phase of voting will be held in Varanasi on June 1. There will be extreme heat during this period. Booth management and public relations will be challenging in summer. If schools are closed then the day will also be Saturday.

Keeping all these things in mind, the more powerful and strong the booth management will be and the more public relations we will do. This will be an opportunity to increase the Prime Minister’s vote percentage and express our gratitude for the public work done by him for the country, state and Kashi.

He (CM Yogi) said that the Prime Minister will win the elections, no one has the slightest doubt about it. There is no doubt that the vote percentage will increase, but overconfidence is always fatal. We have to do our work while avoiding overconfidence.

Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said that you people held a tiffin meeting in front of Prime Minister Modi on March 31 at the booth stations. Similarly, depending on the number of booths, will we be able to sit? Officials and workers of State, Area, District, Mandal Shakti Kendra should gather together and sit at the booth and decide the strategy as to how many houses are there in this booth area. Contact them. Earlier we had sent handbills. Which had to reach every house. On which the achievements of the Central and State Government are written in it. This will give information to the general public about development plans.

It is important for our convenience that if the public starts talking about the development works that we are talking about, then our work will become easier. How many booths are there, how many Mandals and Shakti Kendras are there, how many Panna Pramukhs are there, how many families are there at each booth. There are 800 to 1000 voters at each booth. On this basis, 200 to 250 families would reside there. If we pay a little attention to these families, our work will become easier.

The entire election has to be focused on the booth

Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said that the entire election has to be focused on the booth. To make booth work easier, we have made a system of Panna Pramukh. It will be easier to work through this medium. Contact and communication is our strength. Have to focus on this. There will be a group of three with one Panna Pramukh. People from subsidiary units will also join.

With this, a team of 6-7 people should contact the families. A list of 80 year old people has to be made and their vote has to be taken. Contact a government employee. Your role will be to work on micro labels by involving the Front Cell with you. On the basis of social equation, we will have to form a group and go among our loved ones. Public representatives and senior officials of the organization should sit together and decide the responsibility for taking this strategy to the bottom.

He (CM Yogi) said that in view of the heat during the elections, efforts will have to be made to get 50 percent voting in the first three hours. We have extended the benefits of the scheme to every section of the society. The respect of the country has increased under the leadership of PM Modi. It is our responsibility to fulfill PM Modi’s dream of a developed India. The Chief Minister said that we will also communicate with the Panna Pramukh in the next meeting. You should understand that the people of Kashi have got direct contact with the Prime Minister. Your every work is connected to them. If we work together, we will definitely get better results.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Chief Minister (CM Yogi) took stock of the election preparations done so far by the assembly in-charges, divisional presidents and divisional in-charges. Assembly in-charges said that election offices have opened in all the five assemblies. Daily election activities like public relations, distribution of voter slips etc. are going on smoothly from these offices.

At the beginning of the meeting, BJP regional president Dilip Patel welcomed Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath by draping him with Angavastram and giving him a memento. While introducing the topic, he assured the Chief Minister that on the basis of the plan made by the organization in all 21 divisions and 340 sectors and at 1909 booths in the five assemblies of the Lok Sabha, the Bharatiya Janata Party will win with record votes.

At the beginning of the meeting, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath lit the lamp and offered flowers on the portraits of Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay and Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee. After that Vande Mataram was sung. BJP regional president Dilip Patel presided, regional general secretary Ashok Chaurasia conducted the proceedings, vote of thanks was done by Lok Sabha convenor Surendra Narayan Rai Ondhe.

In the meeting, along with Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, Varanasi cluster in-charge Girish Yadav, MLC and Lok Sabha coordinator Ashwani Tyagi, MLC and Varanasi district and metropolitan in-charge Arun Pathak, Lok Sabha in-charge Satish Dwivedi, District President Hansraj Vishwakarma, Metropolitan President Vidyasagar Rai, Minister of State with independent charge Ravindra Jaiswal, Minister of State Independent Charge Dr. Dayashankar Mishra Dayalu, MLA Dr. Neelkanth Tiwari, MLA Saurabh Srivastava, MLA Sunil Patel, District Panchayat President Poonam Morya, Mayor Ashok Tiwari etc.

Shiv Tapasya Paswan, Rajesh Rajbhar, regional media in-charge Navratan Rathi, co-media in-charge Santosh Solapurkar, Naveen Kapoor, Jagdish Tripathi, Sanjay Sonkar, Praveen Singh Gautam, Anil Srivastava, Rajkumar Sharma, Vaibhav Kapoor, Alok Srivastava etc. were present in the meeting.


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