Beauty expert Shehnaz Hussain shares tips to play Safe Holi

Lucknow: Holi, the most favorite festival of summer, has started. Holi festival has formally started from Barsana. Holi festival holds a special place in the hearts of Indians. For centuries, we celebrate this sacred festival by playing colors with each other.  In ancient times, organic colors were used to play Holi, which brought glow to hair and skin and natural colors also had a positive effect on health.  But in the last few years, this festival is being celebrated globally. On the other hand, it seems that organic colors have…

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Holi right time to show your fashionable side

Lucknow: In earlier times, people used to play Holi wearing old clothes. They believed that Holi clothes get spoilt due to color, hence wear those clothes which are not to be worn again. But in today’s time this trend has changed. People living in apartments and societies now prepare special programs for Holi. In many places, dress code is also made. Even if there is no dress code, on this occasion everyone comes to play Holi wearing different dresses. If you also want to leave the old trend and follow…

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Say goodbye to Dandruff, embrace healthy hair

Lucknow: Dandruff, those pesky white flakes that seem to have a mind of their own, can be a real nuisance. Not only do they cause embarrassment, but they can also lead to itching and discomfort. Thankfully, there are several natural remedies that can help banish dandruff and restore your hair’s natural beauty. Say goodbye to those flakes with these nine homemade remedies that will leave your hair looking and feeling fabulous. Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse: Apple cider vinegar is known for its anti-fungal properties, making it an effective remedy for…

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Setting up your beauty regimen for marriage is simple

Lucknow: For every girl her wedding day is very special. Once the wedding date is fixed, preparations begin. The girl prepares  to move to the new house. Which includes everything from clothes to makeup products. Today in this article we will talk about some makeup products which are very important to have in your bag. If you are also a bride then it is very important to have this thing in your bag. You must know how important it is for girls to do makeup. Especially when getting married, applying…

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This Ramadan pick your diet wisely

Lucknow: Around the globe, people celebrate Ramadan, the holy holiday of the Islamic faith, with tremendous delight and fervor. This year, Ramadan started on March 12 after Mecca’s lunar tour. Muslims practice “Roza,” a severe fast that lasts from sunrise to sunset throughout the 30 days of Ramadan. Suhoor, also known as Sehri, and Iftar, the two perfect meals of the Ramadan celebration, are consumed by those who are fasting. Iftar is the meal eaten after nightfall to break the fast, while suhoor is the meal taken before morning before…

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E – cigarettes seem to be quite a hot hit among youth

Lucknow: The rise in popularity of vaping devices and e-cigarettes, particularly among young people and teenagers, may be attributed mainly to false beliefs about their safety in comparison to conventional tobacco products. Nonetheless, accumulating data emphasizes the major health hazards connected to these gadgets. Dr. Sreenivass B J, Medical Oncologist and Specialist in Lung Cancer, HCG Cancer Hospital, Bangalore, discussed the health risks associated with vaping devices and e-cigarettes in an interview with Jagran English. The possibility of lung injury is one of the most urgent worries, according to Dr.…

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Do me a favour lets play Safe Holi

Lucknow: As the festival of Holi approaches, markets are bustling with vibrant colors and excitement. However, amidst all the festivity, concerns about skin damage due to colors and other factors begin to surface. Our skin, along with our eyes and overall well-being, can be significantly affected by the colors used during this joyous occasion. Therefore, it becomes essential to take proactive measures to safeguard our skin. Here are some crucial tips to protect your skin from the potential damage caused by Holi colors: Oil Massage: Before stepping out to play…

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New Study raises concern over fasting for weight loss

Lucknow: Think twice about trying that popular 16-hour fasting diet! A new study by the American Heart Association shows it might not be the heart-healthy choice you thought. Here’s the surprising finding: People who followed this type of fasting plan where they limited their eating window to 8 hours a day had a much higher risk (91% higher!) of dying from heart disease compared to those who ate more spread out over 12 to 16 hours.     This study looked at over 20,000 adults, mostly over 50 years old.…

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