Lucknow: 102 policemen deployed in the security of the Governor and Chief Minister in Uttar Pradesh will be removed. Now it has been decided to select constables and head constables posted in PAC, Commissionerate, districts, SDRF and Special Security Force in their place and deploy them in the security of eminent personalities.
Policemen failed in firing test
In fact, most of the policemen removed had failed the firing test. Along with this, they have also been removed for many other reasons. Apart from the Governor and the Chief Minister, the policemen deployed in the security of many other VVIPs will also be removed soon.
The service details of 102 policemen selected by the SP (Chief Minister Security) in the Security Headquarters have been summoned from the concerned branches to deploy them soon.
According to the information, the committee formed in accordance with the SOP had recently taken their fitness and firing test after the application made by the head constables and constables of all branches including PAC for changes in VVIP security. After passing this, they have been selected. Earlier, policemen deployed for years in VVIP security were also called for firing and fitness test, in which a large number of security personnel failed in the firing test.
At the same time, when called for the test again, they did not bother to come, so that they could retain their current place of deployment. After this, the Security Headquarters took a tough stand and has started the process of selecting 102 policemen from PAC, Commissionerate, Districts, SDRP and Special Security Force and deploying them in VVIP security.