Lucknow: Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has made a new record on Friday. He has become the first Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh to hold the post of CM for 7 years and 149 days continuously. Yogi Adityanath has been representing the Gorakhpur Urban Assembly constituency in the Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly since the year 2022 and since 2017, he has been successfully discharging his responsibility in the state as CM.
Yogi Adityanath took over as the 21st Chief Minister of the state on 19 March 2017. Since then he has been the head of the state continuously. The leaders of regional parties holding the post of CM of UP are also not seen around Yogi Adityanath, be it Chaudhary Charan Singh, Mulayam Singh Yadav or Mayawati or Akhilesh Yadav. At the same time, Dr. Sampurnanand, who was an MLA from the Congress Party, was the CM of UP for 5 years and 345 days. He was in the post of CM from 28 December 1954 to 7 December 1960.
Leaders of regional parties are not even close to Yogi
While Mulayam Singh Yadav of Samajwadi Party, who was CM thrice, could remain CM only for 6 years 274 days in his three terms, Mayawati, who was CM four times, is also far behind Yogi’s record. Mayawati also remained CM for only 7 years 16 days. Akhilesh Yadav, who was CM from SP, could also remain Chief Minister for only 5 years 4 days.
Yogi is counted among those who become CM twice in a row
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath is counted among such leaders under whose leadership a party’s government is formed for the second time in a row. When Yogi took oath as Chief Minister on 25 March 2022, he broke Narayan Dutt Tiwari’s 37-year-old record. Narayan Dutt Tiwari had made a record by taking oath as Chief Minister for the second time in undivided Uttar Pradesh in the year 1985, but Yogi had demolished it as well.
First Chief Minister after the formation of Uttarakhand
With the formation of Uttarakhand on 09 November 2000, Uttar Pradesh was divided into two parts. After this, no party could get a chance to form the government twice in a row. This achievement is also recorded in the name of Yogi Adityanath only.
Yogi also holds the record of hoisting the flag for the 8th time in a row
Earlier, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath had also made another record in his name on Thursday. He has become the first Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, who has hoisted the flag for the 8th time in a row on the national festival Independence Day while being the CM.
Yogi has broken the myth
There was a myth that going to Noida leads to the loss of the CM’s chair, that the CM who goes to Noida has to lose the chair, but Yogi Adityanath also broke this myth. He went to Noida and implemented many schemes and projects, including the development of Noida and Greater Noida. Under his leadership, many efforts have been made to develop infrastructure, industrial investment and improve the quality of life in these areas.