New Delhi: Based on the inputs of IB, the Home Ministry has decided to give Z category security cover to Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar. For some time, opposition parties have also accused the Election Commission of working at the behest of the government. Action is being taken against opposition parties, whereas no action is being taken against BJP leaders.
Meanwhile, the Election Commission has demanded from the Home Ministry that 100 additional companies of paramilitary forces should be deployed in Bengal for security so that the elections can be conducted without any interference.
According to sources, on the orders of the Election Commission, 55 companies of CRPF and 45 companies of BSF are to be deployed by the Home Ministry. Election officials have ordered that 100 additional contingents of paramilitary forces be deployed on or before April 15. Earlier on Wednesday, the Election Commission had called a meeting of all the states and union territories. In this, the law and order situation was taken stock.
The order to deploy additional forces in West Bengal is also important because there is a long history of election violence there. Let us tell you that elections are to be held in West Bengal in 7 phases. The first round of voting will take place on April 19 and the last phase of voting will take place on June 1. Apart from this, the result will come on June 4. Let us tell you that there are a total of 42 Lok Sabha seats in West Bengal. In the 2019 general elections, TMC had won 22 seats in the state, while 18 BJP candidates had emerged victorious.