Lucknow: In the meeting hall of Uttar Pradesh Agricultural Research Council, the fourteenth Crop Weather Watch Group meeting of the year 2024-25 was held under the chairmanship of Director General Dr. Sanjay Singh. In the meeting, the farmers of the state were given advice for agricultural management based on the weather forecast for the next two weeks (23 August to 05 September, 2024).
According to the weather forecast and agricultural advice, according to the India Meteorological Department, in the first week (23 to 29 August, 2024), heavy rainfall is likely in some parts of southern Uttar Pradesh. While light to moderate rainfall is likely in other parts of the state. Bhabhar, Terai, and Western Plains may receive less than normal rainfall, while other agro-climatic zones are likely to receive normal or above normal rainfall.
In this week of the second week (30 August to 05 September, 2024), there is a possibility of less than normal rainfall in Vindhya, eastern plains and other adjoining areas, while other agro-climatic zones are likely to receive normal or above normal rainfall.
Special agricultural advice was given to the farmers, in which it was told that the current season of paddy is favorable for sheath blight in paddy. In case of outbreak, spray 1.0 liter of hexaconazole 5.0 EC by dissolving it in 500-750 liters of water. In case of outbreak of maize fall army worm, spray 0.4-0.5 ml of chlorantraniliprole 18.5% SC, spinosad, or thiamethoxam by dissolving it in one liter of water. In case of delay in sowing of pigeon pea in eastern Uttar Pradesh, sowing of pigeon pea ‘Bahar’ and ‘PDA-11’ can be done in the first fortnight of September.
Make advance arrangements for seeds of recommended varieties of rapeseed and sow them in the first fortnight of September. For the management of groundnut white grub, use Chlorpyrifas 20 EC at the rate of 4 liters per hectare in the standing crop. In case of Tikka disease (leaf stain), spray Mancozeb, Carbendazim, or Zineb. Do the third greetings for sugarcane and take new membership online in the sugarcane committee.
Vegetables Sow cabbage, cauliflower, capsicum and tomato in the nursery and transplant the prepared saplings. Mango and Amla Spray dimethoate or quinalphos to prevent branch knot pest and tent caterpillar in mango. Use copper oxychloride and borax to prevent fruit rot disease in amla. Spray copper oxychloride or streptocycline to prevent lemon canker disease.
Animal Husbandry Ensure vaccination for Foot and Mouth Disease and Brucellosis by 30th August. Wash and feed green fodder to the animals. Fisheries Ensure availability of fish seed and monitor the acidity of the pond soil. Sericulture Prepare for mulberry and eri monsoon crops and disinfect the sericulture building on time. Tree Plantation Do gap filling in place of dead plants. Disaster Management In case of death due to snakebite, lightning, or other disasters, the government will provide assistance of Rs. 4.00 lakh. Contact the District Collector’s Office for more information. Farmers are requested to ensure safety of their crops and livestock by following the advisories.