Lucknow: After the successful landing of Mission Chandrayaan-3 on 23 August 2023, the said date has been declared as National Space Day in the whole of India. In this sequence, the School of Geo Informatics Department of Remote Sensing Applications Center, Uttar Pradesh also celebrated a program on 23 August 2024. The chief guest of the said program was the Director of center, Sheeldhar Singh Yadav IAS and Special Secretary, Department of Science and Technology, UP Government. Under the main theme of the said program, “Scientific study of the moon…
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UP celebrates National Space Day in all council primary, upper primary, composite and KGB schools
Lucknow: In a significant educational initiative, the Yogi government organized a special event on National Space Day to ignite young minds with the wonders of space. A total of 1.32 lakh school children across Uttar Pradesh participated in the event, which was themed ‘Touching Lives While Touching the Moon: India’s Space Saga.’ The event was held in upper primary, composite, KGBV, and council schools throughout the state, where students were introduced to the mysteries of space through various engaging programs. The celebration marked a historic occasion, as it was the…
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