Mumbai: Shiv Sena (Uttar Pradesh) MP Sanjay Raut questioned the Election Commission of India over the increase of up to 10 per cent in the voting percentage in the first and second phases of the Lok Sabha elections, asking how it suddenly increased after so many days.
Speaking to reporters in Mumbai, he said that the websites of the Chief Electoral Officer of Maharashtra and the Election Commission have updated data of hourly and daily voting percentage in all the Lok Sabha constituencies so far.
He said that 11 days after the first phase (April 19) and a week after the second phase (April 26) polling, the Election Commission has released the voting percentage, which is much higher than the live data given on the polling dates. Where did the extra votes come from?
There has been a change of seven to 10 per cent in the voting percentage in many constituencies. However, in Nagpur it has reportedly decreased by a few points and the low turnout has made the BJP nervous.
Expressing doubts, Sanjay Raut said that after the low turnout, many people noticed it and raised concerns over the big drop in voting percentage compared to the 2019 polling figures.
At the same time, people are now surprised that the low percentage has increased in 11 days and has become almost equal to the 2019 elections, raising questions. Sanjay Raut said that this is the digital age in digital India, does it take them 11 days to tell the voting percentage? We can understand a difference of half or one percent in the final count, but such a big difference of seven or 10 percent or more is difficult to digest.