Lucknow: Chief Electoral Officer of Uttar Pradesh, Navdeep Rinwa said that since the announcement of Lok Sabha General Elections-2024 and implementation of the Model Code of Conduct, a large number of rallies, opening of temporary party offices, door-to-door applications have been received from political parties and candidates on the Suvidha Portal.
Requests for permission are being received for door to door publicity, video vans, helicopters, obtaining vehicle permits and pamphlet distribution. 3273 requests have been received on the Suvidha portal in Uttar Pradesh. After studying the requests, the requests are being approved in a transparent manner. So far 2453 requests have been approved through the Suvidha portal.
The Chief Electoral Officer said that the Suvidha Portal has been developed by the Election Commission of India to provide equal opportunities to all political parties and candidates. More and more requests are being made by political parties and candidates through this portal. The process is being streamlined by processing the requests received for permissions and facilities in a timely manner.
The Chief Electoral Officer said that the Suvidha portal processes various types of permission requests transparently on the principle of first come, first serve. The Suvidha portal provides permission for organizing rallies, opening temporary party offices, door to door campaigning, video vans, helicopters, obtaining vehicle permits and pamphlet distribution etc.
Through the Suvidha portal ( political parties and candidates can conveniently submit online permission requests from any location, at any time. Additionally, offline submission options are also available to ensure inclusivity and level playing field for all stakeholders. The Suvidha App provides applicants the facility to track the status of their requests in real time and adds even more convenience and transparency to the process. This app is also available on iOS and Android platforms.