PM Modi expresses grief over Taiwan tragedy

Taiwan tragedy

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi has expressed grief over the loss of life and property in the massive earthquake that hit Taiwan. PM Modi expressed his condolences to those who have lost their loved ones in the natural disaster. He also wished for the speedy recovery of the injured.

PM Modi wrote on Instagram that he is deeply saddened by the loss of life and property due to the earthquake in Taiwan . Our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families and wishes for the speedy recovery of the injured. We stand in solidarity with the resilient people of Taiwan as they endure and recover from its consequences.

Earlier, nine people died and more than 900 were injured in the powerful earthquake that occurred on Wednesday. It was considered the biggest earthquake to hit the country in at least 25 years.

People were left worried and shocked after seeing pictures and videos of buildings leaning at dangerous angles as a result of the massive 7.2 magnitude earthquake. The earthquake occurred around 8 in the morning.

Due to the earthquake, a 40-year-old building in Hualien tilted badly. According to reports, many stranded people have been rescued from their homes so far.

According to sources, the Ministry of External Affairs is in touch with the Ministry of External Affairs in Taiwan. The ministry is seeking regular updates from Indian diplomats posted in Taipei. There are reports that at least 26 buildings have collapsed.

Meanwhile, sources said that India is ready to provide all possible humanitarian help to the earthquake-hit country.

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