NCL starts direct sale of M sand


Ravindra Kesari

Simplifying the sale of M Sand, NCL has now started direct sale of M Sand instead of the earlier e-auction. Under this, any consumer or customer can easily buy NCL’s M Sand directly as per their requirement. To avail the benefits of this scheme, it is mandatory to purchase minimum 50 cubic meters of sand. This scheme is currently available for a limited time (6 months). Under a very easy process, the consumer can make the payment on the account number 11319645029, IFSC Code – SBIN0007938, Branch – Amlori on the next day after showing the payment receipt at the Amlori office. DO is being issued to the customer.

NCL’s M sand is available at a much cheaper rate than the current market rate.

NCL’s M Sand is quite economical compared to the current sand price which is only Rs 645.75 paise per cubic metre. This rate includes all types of taxes and revenues. For other information regarding direct sale of M Sand and for any problem resolution, you can contact on mobile number- 8319238400.


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