Indian female peacekeeper does the world proud

Indian female peacekeeper

New Delhi: Major Radhika Sen, an Indian female peacekeeper who has served in the United Nations (UN) mission in Congo, will be awarded a military award. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres praised her and described her as a true and ideal leader.

On the occasion of International United Nations Peacekeepers Day on May 30, Major Radhika Sen will be given the ‘2023 United Nations Military Gender Advocate of the Year Award’. UN Secretary-General Guterres will honor her with this award.

Major Sen was posted in the east of the Republic of Congo from March 2023 to April 2024 as the commander of the Indian Rapid Deployment Battalion. She originally hails from Himachal Pradesh. She was born in 1993 and joined the Indian Army eight years ago.

Major Radhika Sen graduated in Biotech Engineering, only after which she decided to join the Indian Army.

She is the second Indian peacekeeper to receive the 2023 United Nations Military Gender Advocate of the Year Award after Major Suman Gawani. Major Gawani served in the UN mission and was awarded this award in 2019.

Guterres congratulated Major Sen for her service. He said, “She (Major Radhika Sen) is a true and ideal leader. Her service is a contribution to the United Nations as a whole.” After the announcement of this award, Major Sen said, “This award is special for me because it recognizes the hard work of all the peacekeepers working in the challenging environment of the Republic of Congo and making an outstanding contribution to bring positive change in the society.” Let us tell you that at present India is one of the 11th largest contributing countries of women military peacekeepers to the UN.

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