India can lead world in knowledge and spirituality: Rajnath Singh

Rajnath Singh

Lucknow: Addressing the Enlightened Citizen Seminar organized at City Montessori School Gomti Nagar Auditorium Hall, Defense Minister Rajnath Singh said that I know that a crisis of confidence has arisen in independent India towards the leaders working in the field of politics.

This crisis has arisen due to the long standing difference between the actions and words of the leaders but I want to talk about the party we are in. We have done what we have said. We have completed each and every statement of the election manifesto. We had said that the day we get majority in both the Houses of Parliament, we will abolish Article 370 and we did that.

Since 1984, we had said that when we form the government, a grand Ram temple will be built on the land of Ayodhya. This decision was taken by the order of the court but God has recognized our intentions that there is no fault in our intentions, hence Ram temple was built and Ram Lalla has come out of his hut and entered his palace. Ram Rajya in India too.

It will begin when people develop a sense of responsibility, then understand that Ramraj has come. If only there is a sense of authority, it is not our responsibility, then consider that Ramraj has not come, it is Kalyug. I myself am feeling that in comparison to earlier, somewhere there has been a sense of self-responsibility among the people that what they have to do towards the country.

There is no question of terminating anyone’s citizenship.

I am basically a volunteer of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and I did not hesitate even a bit while speaking on any platform. Sangh never talked about Hindu Muslim. Politics is made up of two words, Raj and Policy. We call such a state which works to take the society towards the right path, that is politics, but it is unfortunate that the word politics has acquired its own meaning and meaning and it has again been used in the politics of India. It is our duty to establish.

We do politics to build a country. We want to build such an India which is wealthy and at the same time can lead the whole world in knowledge, science and spirituality.

From 2004 to 2014, India was at 11th place in the world in terms of economy but today it has taken a jump to the fifth place. By 2027, we will reach the third place. When 100 years of independence are completed in 2047, by then we want to make India a developed India.

Startups have increased from 400/500 to 125000 and unicorns which earlier used to be four-five, are now more than 125 across the country. We succeeded in landing Chandrayaan on the South Pole of the Moon. Besides, we are progressing very fast in knowledge science also.

Spirituality should not be linked with the method of worship. Spirituality is the expansion of the mind. If anyone has given the message of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, it has been given by our sages from the land of India.

There are many Muslim brothers who say that when we come closer we come to know what you are. On the day of Nag Panchami, we, who are concerned about living beings, also feed milk to the snake whose bite is certain to cause death. We treat everyone equally and do not do politics of appeasement.

When India speaks at the international level, the world listens with open ears to what India is saying.
Without any discrimination, we have given various schemes like providing flat houses to the poor, providing tap water to every house, toilet, gas cylinder to every house, payment of ₹ 6000 per month to every farmer, giving ₹ 6000 to pregnant mothers etc.

We have wiped out terrorism from the country. Before this, terrorist incidents used to happen in most of the states of India. There was a major incident in Mumbai in 2008 in which hundreds of people were killed when I was the national president of the party. And at that time the Home Minister there had said that such incidents of terrorism keep happening.  Today our strength is that India can kill on this side of the border too and if necessary, we can kill on the other side also. India is now becoming self-reliant and we are making all the equipment ourselves.

We have exported Rs 21,000 crore worth of BrahMos missile. We have exported BrahMos missile worth Rs 4000 crore and now BrahMos missile will be made on Lucknow soil. Work is going on fast in Lucknow and By 2026, BrahMos missile will start being manufactured on the soil of Lucknow and we will supply it to other countries of the world. DRDO lab has also been constructed here. India is moving towards becoming self-reliant in every field.
It is God who does it, whatever has happened in Lucknow is by the grace of God, without his grace nothing is possible.

We seek your blessings and good wishes so that we can live up to your expectations. Whatever you give, I will take, if you don’t give then I will not take. Whatever has to be done, only you people of Lucknow have to do, he ended his address with this statement. Before the beginning of the program, Justice Devendra Arora administered the oath of 100 percent voting to the enlightened people present.

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