Lucknow: Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has set a new record in Uttar Pradesh by becoming the first CM to provide compensation to farmers for silt removal from their fields. In an unprecedented move, the government has allocated over Rs 32 lakh to 311 farmers in flood-affected Lakhimpur Kheri for silt removal from their agricultural farms.
Grateful beneficiaries have hailed CM Yogi as their messiah, while flood-affected people across the state have lauded the relief efforts of his government.
Relief Commissioner GS Naveen highlighted, “Uttar Pradesh is highly vulnerable to disasters, and Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath is acutely aware of this, showing a strong commitment to disaster management. Over the past seven and a half years, CM Yogi has implemented significant measures for disaster reduction and remains vigilant in providing support to those affected.”
He continued, “For the first time in Uttar Pradesh, farmers have been compensated for removing silt from fields impacted by floods. According to disaster guidelines, farmers with silt deposits over three centimeters thick are eligible for compensation at a rate of Rs 18,000 per hectare, with a minimum of Rs 2,200 per farmer.”
The Relief Commissioner added that, following CM Yogi’s directive, compensation for silt removal was introduced in this financial year for Lakhimpur Kheri farmers. He also praised Lakhimpur Kheri DM Durgashakti Nagpal for leading the initiative and setting a benchmark for other District Magistrates.
Lakhimpur Kheri District Magistrate Durgashakti Nagpal reported that, in line with government guidelines, a total of Rs 32,55,872 has been allocated to 311 farmers in the district for the removal of silt from their fields. In this, an amount of Rs 6,75,941 was distributed to 105 farmers of Lakhimpur tehsil for removing silt from 36.7841 hectares.
Similarly, Rs 4,72,407 was disbursed to 42 farmers of Nighasan tehsil and Rs 6,11,060 to 39 farmers of Dhaurahra tehsil for removing silt from 25.8283 hectares and 34.1252 hectares respectively.
At the same time, Rs 9,06,691 was released to 81 farmers of Gola tehsil and Rs 5,89,773 to 44 farmers of Palia tehsil as aid for removing silt from 49.3897 hectares and 32.7652 hectares respectively.