CM Yogi tightens noose around fake stamp paper misuse

Lucknow: The Yogi Adityanath government of Uttar Pradesh is going to make e-stamps more secure in the state. For this, the Stamp and Registration Department has completed its preparations. It is being told that initially the benefit of this facility will be given to the public through e-stamps of small amount.

These e-stamps can be personalized after online authentication through Aadhar card and can be obtained by the same Aadhar card holder for the use of the authorized person. This will completely get rid of the fear of fake stamps. The department has also finalized the design of the new format of e-stamps.

Will be equipped with special security features

On the instructions of CM Yogi Adityanath, this experiment will be done for e-stamps of less than Rs 100. To keep the outline of the new format and e-stamp safe, 9 types of special new security features have been used. In this, 1-D bar code, static line, SD amount, static SD amount, text thread, ASYM certificate ID, buyer’s name, single layer logo, text thread date, text ribbon and BG have been used. Through this, it will be impossible to make a fake stamp.

There is a demand for low-value stamps

The printing of a 10-rupee stamp paper costs about Rs 16. This also includes the cost of its transportation from Kanpur depot. Small value stamps are used relatively more. Small value stamp papers are used for affidavits, various types of government schemes, at the time of admission in schools, colleges, in employment and in public grievances. If we look at the figures of 2023-24, more than 47 lakh e-stamps worth more than Rs 100 were issued, while more than 2 crore 56 lakh e-stamp papers worth less than Rs 100 have been issued.

It is believed that the proportional commission on small value stamps is less, in such a situation, complaints are often received that some vendors try to do black marketing by claiming artificial shortage of small value stamps. Now after the availability of secure e-stamps of small value, such problems will also be resolved.


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