Agra: Famous twin comedians Chinki-Minki, who gained popularity from The Kapil Sharma Show, will visit Agra on January 25 to inaugurate a new branch of Govind Pansari at Vijay Nagar Colony.
Expanding Legacy of Govind Pansari
Known for its 108-year-old legacy, Govind Pansari, originating from Agra’s Belanganj area, is now expanding its presence to upscale localities. This will be the store’s third branch in Vijay Nagar Colony since 2010. The owner, Deepak Agarwal, shared that the new outlet is a step toward modernizing the traditional business while retaining its heritage.
Deepak Agarwal also revealed that Chinki-Minki would not only inaugurate the store but also engage with customers and participate in shopping at the outlet.
Blend of Tradition and Modernity
The new showroom will continue the traditional appeal associated with the Pansari business, offering not just household staples but also a range of packaged herbs like mulethi, flaxseeds, and ashwagandha. Additionally, customers will benefit from online shopping options, with a dedicated app under development, spearheaded by Deepak Agarwal’s daughter. The app aims to further strengthen the brand’s presence in the market.
Purity Assured: Almond Oil Testing Facility
In a bid to prioritize customer trust, Govind Pansari has introduced an oil testing facility for almonds, soybeans, and walnuts, a first in Agra’s Pansari industry. Customers can verify the purity of these oils at the store, ensuring transparency and quality.
The inauguration by Chinki-Minki promises to add glamour and excitement to the launch event while solidifying Govind Pansari’s growing reputation as a household name in Agra.