New Delhi: Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MP Sanjay Singh has got a big relief from the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court has granted bail to Sanjay Singh in the money laundering case related to Delhi liquor scam. While hearing the bail plea of Sanjay Singh, the Supreme Court asked many questions to the Enforcement Directorate (ED). The Supreme Court had asked the ED that Sanjay Singh has been in jail for 6 months and no money has been recovered from him. Even now ED wants to keep him in custody. Why is it necessary to keep him in custody?
In February, Sanjay Singh had approached the Supreme Court challenging the order of the Delhi High Court, which had refused to grant him bail in the money laundering case related to the Delhi liquor scam. The high court had on February 7 rejected the bail plea of the AAP leader, who has been re-elected to the Rajya Sabha from Delhi, but ordered the trial court to expedite the commencement of the hearing.
There was an argument between Sanjay Singh, lawyer Singhvi and the judge.
In fact, senior advocate Singhvi, appearing for Sanjay Singh, said that you are considering the issue of ‘need’ for arrest. This section 19 is important for PMLA. He read out Section 19 (1) and also referred to the decision of Vijay Madanlal Chaudhary. On this matter, the bench of Justice Sanjeev Khanna, Justice Dipankar Dutta and Justice PB Varale said that please speak on the correct facts.
On this, Singhvi said that the main witness of Enforcement Directorate (ED) Dinesh Arora had not taken the name of Sanjay Singh in his earlier nine statements. On this the court said whether Dinesh Arora got pardon in the CBI case on 16 November 2022? On this Singhvi said that till then Singh’s name was not in his statements. Dinesh Arora was sent to judicial custody, after which he made allegations for the first time.
The arrest took place on October 4
It is noteworthy that on July 19, 2023, Sanjay Singh’s name appeared for the first time in the statement of Dinesh Arora, who became the approver in the money laundering case related to the excise duty policy scam. Whereas his name was not taken even in the statement of 164. Sanjay Singh filed a (defamation) complaint against ED and then ED arrested him without any summons. The High Court had rejected Singh’s bail plea on February 7, but had directed the trial court to expedite it once the hearing begins. The AAP leader was arrested by the Enforcement Directorate on Singh in the case on October 4, 2023.