Mumbai: Ajay Devgan, who was recently seen in Boney Kapoor’s film Maidaan, is once again in the news for his third film Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha, which is to be released this year. Through this film, director Neeraj Pandey is going to make a comeback as a director after a long time. Neeraj Pandey, who gave the audience films like A Wednesday, Baby, Naam Shabana, Aiyaary, has cast Tabu in the lead role along with Ajay Devgan in his film.
Ajay Devgan has been ruling the film industry for more than three decades. Even today, fans have a great craze for Ajay. There is a tremendous demand for him among producers and directors. This year, two of Ajay’s films – Shaitaan and Maidaan – have been released. The film ‘Shaitaan’ with R Madhavan was a huge success at the box office. However, the film ‘Maidaan’ released on Eid (11 April) was a flop. Now Auryon Mein Kahan Dum Tha will be released in theaters on 5 July.