Young delegates hold discussions on Global Challenges

MUN 2024

Lucknow: The student participants from Nepal and different parts of India participating in the 3-day long Model United Nations Conference (MUN 2024) organised by City Montessori School Aliganj Campus I held detailed discussions on various global problems today on the third and final day of the conference and unanimously agreed that only unity and peace can  bring about a New World Order.On the Third day of the conference the participants representing various countries of the world presented a simulation of the United Nations Gerenal Assembly and attempted to solve real world issues with the policies and perspectives of their assigned country.

With their meaningful, learned and impactful speeches, the participating students proved that the future generation is capable of finding solutions to various global problems with their positive attitude. It may be mentioned that over 600 students form Nepal and different schools of India took part in the Model United Nations. On the concluding day of the conference today, the best speakers were awarded certificates and awards.

Nine committees of the United Nations were   formed on the lines of the United Nations, each having its own agenda on which the students playing the delegates from different countries held discussions and negotiations. Each committee had a chairperson and a vice chairperson to ensure the smooth functioning of the proceedings.

While the United Nations Gerenal Assembly deliberated upon the cross border migration issues, the United Nations Security Council discussed the ongoing crisis  in Haiti, the United Nations Commission for Status of Women targetted the issue of increasing loss over bodily autonomy by women across the globe, Lok Sabha  discussed the Special Status of States with close reference to status quo of democracy and United Nations Human Rights Council deliberated upon the rights of LEBTQIA Community. Besides, the Joint Crisis Committee, the United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan, and the International Monetary Fund also held discussions on various important topics. Students came prepared, having done extensive research about the countries they were representing and about the current and past world affairs. Their desire to do their best to make the world a better place to live in was evident with each argument they put up to show their concern.

Outstanding alumnus of the campus,  Narayan Srivastava, the Secretary General of MUN-2023, who is currently majoring in Public Policy and Political Science from the University of Toronto in Canada on scholarship, was the Special Guest of Honour at the closing ceremony held in the evening. On this occasion, the Convener of MUN and Senior Principal of CMS Aliganj Campus I,  Jyoti Kashyap said that students’ participation in the MUN is a proof that the new generation is keen on making positive changes in society. Principal, CMS Aliganj Campus II, Shivani Singh presented the vote of thanks towards all participants for the success of the conference.

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