Yoga is a medium to live a healthy and happy life: Vice Chancellor, LU

Lucknow: The 10th International Yoga Day was celebrated in a grand ceremony in Lucknow University in which more than a thousand students, non-teaching staff and teachers participated.

International Yoga Day is celebrated every year on 21st June. People from all over the world do yoga together on this day. 21st June is dedicated to increasing awareness about yoga. Yoga is important for physical and mental health and to show its importance, people from all over the world do yoga together on 21st June. This year the theme of International Yoga Day is ‘Yoga for Women Empowerment’. It focuses on increasing the mental and physical health of women. On Yoga Day, an effort is made to make people aware of the physical, mental and spiritual importance of yoga. Like every year, this year also International Yoga Day was celebrated collectively at Paranjape Pavilion Ground of Lucknow University.

Yoga is an ancient culture of India, beneficial for mental and physical health

Yoga is an ancient practice. It originated in India five thousand years ago. The word yoga is born from the Sanskrit language. It means to join or unite. According to its name, yoga combines body and consciousness. Regular yoga enhances physical health, physical flexibility, strength and posture. Regular practice of yoga provides relief from diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes and arthritis. Yoga also promotes mental health. Yoga strengthens mental health by reducing stress, anxiety and depression. Yoga encourages self-awareness, mindfulness and inner peace.

The major parts of yoga include yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi. All these parts together make yoga complete and through this we can achieve physical, mental and spiritual peace.

In today’s modern life, we all suffer from stress, anxiety, and physical diseases. Our daily routine has become extremely busy and it has become difficult for us to take out time for our health. In such a situation, yoga is a wonderful means that can provide us with peace and health.

Some major yoga asanas that were performed during group yoga:

* Tadasana (Mountain Pose): This asana improves our body posture and straightens the spine.

* Vrikshasana (Tree Pose): It increases balance and concentration.

* Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose): It strengthens the back and spinal bones.

* Pranayama (Breathing Exercises): It helps to control our breathing and provides mental peace.

By practicing yoga regularly, we can get countless benefits. Along with improving physical health, it also improves mental health. Yoga increases concentration of mind, increases self-confidence, and helps in dealing with psychological problems.

Yoga is not limited to personal health only. It is also important for society and the world. When we are individually healthy and calm, we can spread positive energy in the society and promote peace and harmony in the world.

Our Prime Minister  Narendra Modi proposed to celebrate 21st June as International Yoga Day, which was accepted by the United Nations in 2014. Since then every year on 21st June we celebrate International Yoga Day, in which lakhs of people participate and spread awareness about yoga.

The Chief Guest of the program was Padma Shri, Prof. Navjeevan Rastogi and Special Guests Dr. Dilip Agnihotri, State Information Commissioner;  P N Dwivedi, State Information Commissioner;  Gyanendra Shukla, Head Dainik Bhaskar, Uttar Pradesh and  Rajiv Srivastava, Times of India also participated in the mass yoga practice.

In the end, the Dean Yoga Faculty gave the vote of thanks and after the National Anthem, the program was declared concluded.


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