Mumbai: Ranbir Kapoor, Karan Johar, Ahsaas Channa, Raashi Khanna, Shankar Mahadevan, Siddharth Malhotra, Neha Kakkar, and Other Celebrities Unite for Unique Voting Awareness Campaign
In a remarkable display of unity and civic responsibility, a star-studded lineup of Bollywood personalities has joined forces for an innovative online voting campaign aimed at encouraging their millions of fans and followers to exercise their right to vote in the upcoming elections.
The campaign, marked by its quirky approach, invites fans to participate in online voting on various aspects of the celebrities’ appearances and activities. Later, a video is released featuring the celebrities urging their fans to translate their enthusiasm to vote for the country.
The video, featuring Ranbir Kapoor, Karan Johar, Ahsaas Channa, Raashi Khanna, Neha Kakkar, Shankar Mahadevan, Siddharth Malhotra, and others, serves as a powerful reminder that voting is not just a right but a privilege and a duty that every citizen must uphold.
As the country gears up for the elections, this groundbreaking voting awareness campaign stands as a testament to the potential of collective action and celebrity influence in driving positive societal change.