Mumbai: Producer Ritesh Sidhwani along with Director Kunal Kemmu and the cast of Madgaon Express enjoyed an Iftar party amidst film success! Excel Entertainment’s Madgaon Express is in no mood to stop. Right from Day 1, the film is winning the hearts of the audience. The film offers a complete dose of comedy, twists, and amazing performances from the lead cast, Avinash Tiwary, Divyendu, and Pratik Gandhi. Madgaon Express, being opened with unanimously positive reviews from every corner, passed the weekend test and is now standing up with a total…
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Madgaon Express: Time to laugh like there is no tomorrow
Mumbai: Book your tickets for the ultimate fun-filled laughter ride! The advance booking of Excel Entertainment’s Madgaon Express is now open! The trailer of Excel Entertainment’s upcoming Madgaon Express has given a glimpse of the fun-filled journey, further to which the songs have set the right tone for this comedy entertainer. This has indeed piqued the audience’s excitement for the release of the film. To elevate the ever-rising exhilaration, the makers have now opened the advance booking windows for the audience to get their seats booked for unlimited adventure. As…
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