Ambedkarnagar: Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said that 5 dates of August are going to be very important in Uttar Pradesh. The police recruitment process will be completed in the state on 23, 24, 25, 30 and 31 August. This is happening for the first time, when police recruitment examination is being conducted on such a large scale in the state. Youth from every district of the state will get an opportunity to participate in this completely transparent recruitment process.
The Chief Minister was expressing his views at the district level mega employment and loan fair organized at Dev Indravati Mahavidyalaya located in Katehari of Ambedkar Nagar district. On this occasion, he distributed appointment letters to the youth, tablets to the students and cheques of loan amount to the beneficiaries. In the program, appointment letters were given to more than 6,752 youth and tablets to 13,866 students. Loans worth Rs 211 crore were distributed to 12,774 beneficiaries through 14 banks.
The Chief Minister said that more than 60 thousand youths are going to be recruited in Uttar Pradesh Police. 20 percent of the police recruitment will be given to girls. They will come out on the roads of the state and deal with the miscreants properly. Warning the criminals, mafia and anarchist elements, the Chief Minister said that no one will be allowed to play with the future of the youth.
Whoever does this, his property will be confiscated and distributed among the needy. Dishonest, criminal and anarchist elements will not be spared in the state. The Chief Minister bowed to this holy land and greeted the farmers and all the citizens here and said that it is his good fortune that in the month of Shravan he has got the opportunity to communicate with the youth at this holy place of Shravan Kumar.
He has seen the stalls set up by 46 companies in the employment fair, the working style of women volunteers and the efforts of entrepreneurs. He said that it is satisfying to see that Ambedkar Nagar district, once notorious for criminal and anarchist elements including mafia, has changed its image today. New industries are coming here and youth are getting employment opportunities.
The Chief Minister said that today our Ambedkarnagar is no less in any sense. Ambedkarnagar is not only a witness to the transformation journey of Ayodhyadham, but is also taking advantage of it. Purvanchal Expressway and Gorakhpur Link Expressway are also passing through Ambedkarnagar. Here we are building an industrial corridor. Industrial townships will also be built on the sides of both the expressways. This will provide employment opportunities to the youth here in their district itself.
The Chief Minister said that in the biggest Investors Summit held in February 2023, investment proposals worth Rs 40 lakh crore were received, which is a guarantee of employment opportunities for 1.35 crore youth of the state. In Ambedkarnagar district also, investment proposals worth Rs 06 thousand crore were received through the Global Investors Summit, which are coming to the ground.
46 companies are participating in today’s program, which will provide employment to 21 thousand youth of the district. These companies are committed to their placement. All the banks have come here, through which people aspiring for self-employment will get the opportunity of interest-free loan for various government schemes including ODOP, PM Vishwakarma for setting up micro, small and medium enterprises. This will increase employment generation opportunities.
The Chief Minister said that there was a time when we could not even get proper books. Whereas, today our government has arranged for tablets/smartphones for 02 crore youth. Today 13,866 tablets have been distributed in Ambedkar Nagar through 59 colleges.
Through this, the youth of the state will be made technically competent. 07 and a half years ago, Uttar Pradesh was considered the dark spot of the country and a barrier in India’s development journey. This same Uttar Pradesh is now taking the country forward as a bright spot by becoming a growth engine.
Uttar Pradesh has taken forward the vision of development by Prime Minister Narendra Modi by sitting on the driving seat. The Chief Minister said that the state which used to be a place of riots, anarchy and crime has now become the dream destination for investment, a model of law and order and the state providing maximum government jobs. When we respected the energy of the youth, Uttar Pradesh succeeded in becoming the second largest economy of the country and contributing about 9.5 percent to India’s GDP. 07 years ago, the people of the state were looked at with suspicion, but today people look at you with respect.
The Chief Minister said that to give wings to the aspirations of the youth and their dreams, the Prime Minister has taken forward Mission Rozgar. It is the strong will of our government that we are providing facilities like free electricity connections to 1.56 crore families, health insurance to 5.11 crore people, free ration to 15 crore people.
The country is now looking at Uttar Pradesh with hopeful eyes. We all have to make efforts together. The government is always committed to providing security and self-reliance.
The Chief Minister said that Ambedkar Nagar will not be left behind in the race of development. When he came here last time, he had approved the stadium for Katehari. Now the land has also been approved. If the youth plays, they will win. If they win, they will increase the honor of the country. Our government has given due respect to the players who won medals. Hockey player Mr. Lalit Kumar Upadhyay and athlete Ms. Parul Chaudhary have been made Deputy SP.
The Chief Minister, while extending advance wishes of Rakshabandhan to all the residents of the district, said that on this occasion all the sisters and daughters will get the facility of free travel in the buses of the Transport Corporation.
The upcoming 26th and 27th August is also the occasion of Leeladhari Shri Krishna Janmashtami, who proclaimed ‘Paritnaanaya Sadhunaam Vinaashaya Cha Dushkritam’. Your district is now crime free, but if any criminal is left, we will treat him too. There is no need to worry, the government is with you.
On this occasion, Jal Shakti Minister Swatantra Dev Singh, Fisheries Minister Dr. Sanjay Nishad, Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Vocational Education, Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Kapil Dev Agarwal, Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Sports and Youth Welfare Girish Chandra Yadav along with other public representatives, senior officers of the government and administration and dignitaries were present.