Pakistan is a cancer to humanity; only surgical action can address it: CM Yogi

West Tripura/Lucknow: Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, on Monday, described Pakistan as “a cancer to humanity”, a festering wound for the world that can only be treated through a surgical intervention.

The Chief Minister made the remark while addressing a gathering following the inauguration of the Siddheshwari temple. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath inaugurated the temple along with Tripura Chief Minister Dr Manik Saha,

CM Yogi remarked that if the Congress leadership at the time of independence, along with Jogendra Nath Mandal, had thwarted the conspiracy of the Muslim League, this wound would never have formed. He further asserted that Pakistan’s resolution requires action, and the process has already begun. Now, the people of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir wish to join India, and Balochistan is also seeking independence from Pakistan.

During the event, CM Yogi said, “Saints act as divine representatives on Earth. When such a significant number of saints unite for any cause, success is inevitable.”

He urged that the campaign for religious awakening must be carried forward under their guidance. CM Yogi stressed the importance of working collectively to ensure that destructive forces are not given a foothold, emphasizing the need to eliminate such powers to prevent a situation like Bangladesh from occurring again. He added that both the nation and religion must be safeguarded.

CM Yogi said, “The strength and unity of the rulers in Tripura kept the state independent and secure. The king protected Tripura from heretics and foreign invaders by uniting the people.” He stated that a nation or leader who demonstrates power and makes their enemies aware of it will remain safe. However, those who lose their strength and fail to distinguish between friends and foes will face consequences, as seen in Bangladesh today.

CM Yogi added, “It is vital to reflect on the current situation in Bangladesh and those responsible for it.”

CM Yogi Adityanath said, “The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) foresaw the dangers posed by Congress, recognizing that if the country continued to fall victim to Congress’s misdeeds, it would lead to the partition of India, the massacre of Hindus, and the division of society along caste lines. Congress would erode India’s traditions and culture for its selfish interests. The warnings of the RSS proved true, as the Congress ultimately partitioned the nation.”

He emphasized that the resistance during the 1905 Bengal Partition was pivotal, and everyone knows what could have happened to the country without that opposition.

CM Yogi also highlighted that the RSS and Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) engage in selfless service without resorting to propaganda.

He further stated that today, the RSS operates thousands of educational institutions and service initiatives worldwide through Vidya Bharati. The Vishwa Hindu Parishad runs Ekal Vidyalayas in over one lakh villages in tribal areas across India. In 1984, the VHP also established a tribal hostel in Gorakhpur through the Shri Ram Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram, providing education for children from the North East. According to CM Yogi, India’s time has come, and under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the nation is on its way to becoming a global power.

CM Yogi expressed that the five-century-long wait has ended with the construction of the grand temple of Lord Shri Ram in Ayodhya. While some may oppose the temple’s construction, he noted, there is little that can be done about those who feel discontented. The government is respecting the faith of the majority of Indians. He emphasized that Ayodhya, Mathura, and Kashi are the three major pillars of Sanatan Dharma, and these sacred places will continue to flourish as revered centers of faith.

CM Yogi added, “Sanatan Dharma advocates for the well-being of all (Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah), but this can only be achieved when the nation remains secure.”

CM Yogi Adityanath stated that under the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Modi, the entire nation is united in the mission of ‘Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat’. Today, Tripura enjoys a safe and harmonious environment—something that was unimaginable seven or eight years ago.

He noted that while the double-engine government is accelerating the comprehensive development of Tripura, the state is also experiencing significant progress in the realm of religion.

CM Yogi said, “In the past, riots were common during festivals in both Tripura and Uttar Pradesh. However, today in Uttar Pradesh, the government has given bulldozers as a reply to the rioters and the temple of Lord Shri Ram to the devotees.”

He emphasized the importance of protecting one’s faith, quoting, “Dharma Eva Hato Hanti Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitah”—meaning, if we safeguard our religion, it will, in turn, protect us. Conversely, if we forsake our religion for selfish gain, it will abandon us as well. He added that “Yato Dharmastato Jayah” (where there is righteousness, there is victory) is a fundamental principle of Sanatan Dharma.

CM Yogi described the Pran Pratishtha ceremony of Maa Siddheshwari and the temple inauguration as a significant moment for all. He recalled that Pujya Sant Shantikali Maharaj initiated the ashram’s legacy in 1994. Chitranjan Maharaj has been carrying forward his vision with unwavering dedication, which is why the Government of India has honored him.

CM Yogi also invoked the image of Lord Krishna, who holds both a flute and the Sudarshan Chakra. He explained that while the flute symbolizes peace, the Sudarshan represents the need for strength and security. Without the Sudarshan, mere peace is not enough, and when it is wielded, no future sacrifices, like that of Shantikali Maharaj, will be necessary.

CM Yogi Adityanath inaugurated the temple by ceremonially breaking a coconut and performing the traditional worship of Mata Siddheshwari with full rituals. Following the inauguration, he planted saplings on the temple premises and participated in the Maha Yagya, offering sacrifices and praying for the welfare of the people.

The event was attended by Chief Minister and MP Biplab Deb, BJP state president Rajiv Bhattacharya, NDA ally and Prince of Tripura’s royal family, Pramod Bikram Manikya Deb Barma, Vishwa Hindu Parishad’s central co-minister Sachindranath Sinha, along with Tripura government ministers, MLAs, and other dignitaries.

This newly built temple in Barkathal is part of the network of 24 temples managed by the Shanti Kali Ashram in the northeastern region. Maharaja Chitta Ranjan Deb Barma, head of the Shanti Kali Ashram, has been dedicated to preserving Hindu culture, traditions, and religion. He was honored with the Padma Shri award last year for his contributions.

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