Old Boy of CMS gets honoured

Lucknow: An alumnus of City Montessori School, Jitendra Pratap Singh, who had been a student of CMS 64 years ago, was honoured by the CMS Founder-Director and educationist, Dr Bharti Gandhi. Jitendra Pratap Singh is the President of Sanskrit Bharti Nyas, Avadh Prant and Member, Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Sanskrit Shiksha Parishad. The honouring was held at CMS Kanpur Road auditorium at a special ceremony. Jitendra Pratap attended the ‘Vision 2025 Conference’ of CMS as a Special Guest and put forth his views in order to bring about constructive and creative changes in the system of education being followed today.

Sharing his experiences, Singh said that in childhood, this school had played a significant role in shaping his personality and moulding his thoughts and today he is devoted to bringing about creative and qualitative changes in the field of education to make it more student friendly and useful for the younger generation.

It may be mentioned that Mr Jitendra Pratap Singh studied at CMS Rajendra Nagar Campus and CMS Mahanagar Campus, 64 years ago from 1960 to 1965.


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