Nothing beats the power of ORS say experts

Lucknow: Lucknow Academy of Pediatrics  celebrated ORS day and ORS week recently at both institutional and private practitioner level. All major institutes like KGMC, SGPGIMS, Era Medical College and Hospital, Vivekananda Polyclinic and Institute of Medical Sciences, Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital and Medical College  and  Hind Medical College, Dufferin hospital and 50 practitioners from different of the city conducted various activities throughout the week.

This year the slogan is “डायरिया से बचाव, सफाई और ओआरएस से रखें अपना ध्यान”

  • About 3500 families all across Lucknow were taught the importance of the three Fs  – fluids, feeding and further help — when children are having diarrhoeal attacks;
  • 6000 packet of ORS were distributed to the families and many of the families and children were personally demonstrated on how to make ors properly
  • 2000 Zn tablets and syrups were distributed which along with ORS is mainstay of treatment of diarrhea

School Children awareness’s program, Nurses orientation program and Awareness program in slums are being organized to Support the creation of a social movement to make ORT a family habit. In a special session organized at Sohamg Clinic, Dr Shalini Bhasin shared her pearls of wisdom on the subject.

To reach the goal of reducing deaths from diarrhea by a further 50 percent we need to expand the use of ORS dramatically. To do this the role of parents, volunteer care givers and health workers is going to be vital. Having access to packets of oral rehydration salts when you need them is also very important to scaling-up. Ideally, all families should have packets of ORS in the home ready to be mixed as soon as it is needed. Using ORS packets should become routine at the first signs of diarrhea to avoid the risk of parents waiting too long before rehydrating the child. If we can achieve this, the goal should be well within our reach,” said Dr Nirmala Joshi, President, Lucknow Academy of Pediatrics.

Dr. Utkarsh Bansal, Secretary, Lucknow Academy of Pediatrics thanked the participants for making this a big movement.


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