Lucknow: On August 25, 2024, the second meeting of the Executive Committee of Viram Khand-5, Gomti Nagar Jan Kalyan Samiti was convened at the residence of the President. The main agenda of the meeting was to address the severe inconvenience caused to residents due to the lack of parking arrangements at Jeevan Plaza. This has led to difficulties in reaching the airport on several occasions, resulting in missed boardings. Another issue discussed was the damaged roads, lack of green belt along the railway, and reports of immoral activities at liquor shops between Tomar Bhawan and Jeevan Plaza.
After thorough deliberations, it was decided that the Municipal Corporation Zone-4, Lucknow Development Authority, and the Commissioner of Lucknow would be approached personally to find a resolution to these issues. Additionally, there were suggestions to meet with the local MLA to consider converting a park in Viram Khand-5 into a solar park to promote the use of green energy.
During the meeting, two Vice Presidents, Mr. R. N. Singh and Mr. Vijay Kumar Chopra, were appointed as Patrons, and Dr. P. N. Singh, J. K. Varshney, Atul Johri, Joint Secretary Prabhat Srivastava, Praveen Khandelwal, Vimal Chand Srivastava, Dr. R. P. Sharma, and Mahesh Joshi were included in the Working Committee.
Everyone extended heartfelt birthday wishes to Mr. Rakesh Jaitely on his 70th birthday and enjoyed some sweets in his honor. On this occasion, Acting General Secretary Colonel A. N. Pandey and Secretary C. G. Nair, who had come from the Gomti Nagar Samiti for guidance, were also present. They emphasized increasing the participation of younger members to actively manage the committee. The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks from the President.