Chennai: India on Saturday launched its first reusable hybrid rocket ‘RHUMI-1’ from Thiruvidandhai in Chennai. The hybrid rocket has been developed by Tamil Nadu-based start-up Space Zone India in collaboration with Martin Group.
The rocket was launched in a suborbital trajectory using a mobile launcher. It is carrying 3 cube satellites and 50 PICO satellites.
Satellite will collect data for climate change
This satellite will collect data for research purposes on global warming and climate change. The RHUMI rocket is equipped with a common fuel-based hybrid motor and electrically triggered parachute deployer, RHUMI is 100 per cent pyrotechnic-free and 0 per cent TNT.
Mission RHUMI is led by Anand Megalingam
Mission RHUMI is being led by Space Zone founder Anand Megalingam under the guidance of Dr. Mylswamy Annadurai, former director of ISRO Satellite Center (ISAC).
Space Zone India is a Chennai-based aero-technology company
The RHUMI-1 rocket combines the advantages of both liquid and solid fuel propellant systems to improve efficiency and reduce operating costs. Space Zone India is a Chennai-based aero-technology company that aims to provide low-cost, long-term solutions in the space industry.