Varanasi: It is the resolution of the state government to provide 24-hour uninterrupted power supply to electricity consumers. For this, the department has decided to end the roster system and ensure 24-hour uninterrupted power supply in the entire state.
Currently, even during the scorching heat, the electricity department has provided better power supply than in previous years. This has to be maintained. Also, best practices should be followed for the maintenance of infrastructure, so that the government’s resolution to provide 24-hour power supply to consumers can be fulfilled.
Regional public representatives should be informed about the power disruption caused due to shutdowns taken for development works being done under RDSS and other schemes and the benefits after completion of the work and it should also be published in local newspapers.
Uttar Pradesh’s Urban Development and Energy Minister reviewed the progress of power supply, arrangements and other works of all the divisions under Purvanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd. in Varanasi. During this, he gave strict instructions to provide continuous and uninterrupted power supply in the area, remove worn out wires and poles, and completely curb power theft.
He said that wherever there is a need to increase the capacity of transformers, it should be done immediately. There should be better arrangements for the maintenance of electrical equipment. Also, all electrical personnel should bring changes in their work culture and treat consumers well and also resolve their complaints promptly.
Energy Minister received information from each Chief Engineer of Discom regarding the development work being done in their area, complaints of consumers and power supply.
In the meeting, MLA Saurabh Srivastava praised the government for the improvement in power supply and system in Varanasi after the year 2014. He expected that whenever any shutdown is taken for any work, the public representatives should be informed by the department so that the general public does not get the wrong message.
The Managing Director of Purvanchal Discom informed that keeping in mind the increase in power load by the year 2030, the system design work is being done so that low-voltage and overloading situation can be avoided and uninterrupted and quality power supply can be ensured to the consumers. Schemes worth Rs 1300 crore have been approved under Varanasi city, under which new distribution transformers will be installed at 1202 places and capacity enhancement of transformers will be done at 1955 places.
Chief Engineer (Distribution)- I, Varanasi informed that the work of capacity enhancement of 10 power transformers has been completed in his distribution area. Capacity enhancement of distribution transformers was done at 596 places and new distribution transformers have been installed at 207 places. Work is being done at many places in RDSS and Business Plan 2024-25. Due to extreme heat on 28 and 29 May and 7 and 8 June, overloading occurred at some places, for which power supply was kept normal by controlling the temperature of the transformers by installing coolers on the power transformers.
The remaining works under RDSS and Business Plan are being done on priority basis, so that supply can be ensured as per the expectations of the government.
The Energy Minister took information about the power supply being done at Kashi Vishwanath Dham and directed to ensure uninterrupted power supply to the temple through automatic RMU under the upcoming plan. It was also directed that the system should be designed keeping in mind the maximum load on the system, so that the problem of overloading does not arise in the coming years.
Chief Engineer (Distribution) – II, Varanasi informed that due to overloading of distribution transformers, complaints of consumers were received at some places. Identifying the capacity enhancement of the transformers at the above mentioned places, the business plan has been approved in the year 2024-25 and the work will be completed soon and on completion of these works, supply will be ensured as per the expectations of the government.
The Chief Engineer, Mirzapur region informed that 2098 works of the Business Plan 2023-24 have been completed and the remaining works will be completed soon. The works are being done with timely planning, so that electricity can be supplied as per the expectations of the government. The Energy Minister directed for construction of necessary infrastructure to ensure uninterrupted supply in Vindhyavasani Dham area and also directed for electrification of unelectrified areas in Dudhhi area of Sonbhadra.
The Chief Engineer, Prayagraj I informed that out of 54 power sub-stations, double source supply is available at 39. There is no problem of power supply at almost all the places under the distribution area. The problem of overloading arises due to electricity theft in Jhunsi, Karaili and Kasadi-Masadi, for which efforts are being made to stop electricity theft by taking effective steps.
Chief Engineer, Prayagraj II informed that 1828 works have been completed in his area under business plan and other schemes. In the year 2015, a situation of overloading was created in Fatehpur district due to agricultural load. This year, the work of bifurcation of agricultural feeders has been completed under the RDSS scheme, which will avoid overloading. With the completion of these works, power supply will be ensured as per the expectations of the government.
The Minister directed regarding the high number of consumer complaints received from Yamunapar that the employees who are posted in the area for a long time or whose behavior is not good towards the consumers should be removed from those places as per rules and posted at another place.
After the review, the Energy Minister directed to further strengthen the toll free number – 1912 (control room), so that the problems of the consumers can be resolved quickly. He said that the problems of the consumers should be resolved by treating them well. Keeping in mind the rapid industrial and commercial development, strong planning of the infrastructure should be done.
The meeting was attended by MLA Varanasi Cantt Saurabh Srivastava, Managing Director PUVVNL Shambhu Kumar, Director (Works & Administration) RK Jain, Director Finance Santosh Kumar Jadia, Chief Engineer Chandrajeet Kumar, Arvind Kumar Singhal, Mukesh Kumar Garg, JPN Singh, Pramod Kumar Singh, Vishwadeep Ambardar, Shreesh Kumar Srivastava, Superintending Engineer V.P. Katheria, Anil Verma, Vijayraj Singh, Ashok Kumar, Manoj Agarwal, Staff Officer Managing Director A.P. Singh.