Lucknow: On Wednesday, a large number of Class IV employees protested against Deputy Director of Fisheries Department Puneet Kumar at the Fisheries Department Headquarters in the state capital Lucknow. The employees raised slogans against Deputy Director Puneet Kumar and also accused Puneet Kumar of transferring senior Class IV employees for personal gain and employing his personal acquaintances in their place.
Shashi Prabha Singh, a large number of Class IV employees posted in the Fisheries Department Headquarters mobilized on Wednesday and shouted slogans against the Deputy Director of Fisheries Department Puneet Kumar for irregularities in the transfer policy. The same President Class IV Employees Union Fisheries Department Shashi Prabha Singh has said that senior women employees working for more than 35 years have been transferred without giving any reason and in their place Deputy Director Puneet Kumar has appointed people known to him for personal gain.
In the investigation of a local channel, it has been revealed that the building of the Fisheries Directorate has been dilapidated for a long time, in which water often leaks from the roofs during rain and most of the rooms of the building are badly dilapidated. The same employees told that Director NS Rahmani, despite the Yogi government suspending the director earlier in the fisherman recruitment case, has become the director of the Fisheries Department using his influence.
Allegedly one along with the Deputy Director Puneet Kumar, has been carrying out scams in the Fisheries Department Headquarters for the last several years, due to which there is a lot of anger among the employees. Now it will be interesting to see how the higher officials look at this matter after taking cognizance of the news.