China’s EV revolution helping beat climate change

Paris: Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wanthao said at the roundtable of Chinese electric vehicle companies held in Paris, France that Chinese electric vehicle companies are developing rapidly based on continuous technological innovation, perfect production supply chain and perfect market competition, based on subsidies.

The competition is not gaining profits. The US and Europe’s criticism of Chinese electric vehicle companies’ “excess capacity” is absolutely baseless.

Wang Wanthao said that the development of China’s electric vehicle industry has made important contributions to combating global climate change and green-low carbon transformation. The Chinese government will actively support the protection of the statutory rights of Chinese enterprises.

He said that in the face of external challenges and uncertainty, Chinese enterprises must improve quality, hold fast to innovation, strengthen risk management, attach importance to green development, in-depth cooperation with local enterprises, and global green To become participants and contributors of change.

Representatives of Chinese enterprises present explained the investment and trade situation in Europe, as well as introduced the status of the EU’s electric vehicle anti-subsidy investigation.

They say they will strive to advance innovation in science and technology, maintain open cooperation, practice fair competition, and actively confront trade conflicts, working with European partners to achieve win-win cooperation .


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