First renewable energy zone in Australia gets green signal

Sydney: The state government of New South Wales (NSW) said on Thursday that the Central-West Orana Renewable Energy Zone (REZ) transmission project has become the first of its kind in Australia to achieve planning approval.   According to an official statement, that would pave the way for the construction of essential transmission infrastructure to connect large-scale solar, wind, and energy storage projects to the electricity grid. Covering nearly 20,000 square km, the REZ takes in cities and towns such as Dubbo, Dunedoo, and Mudgee, predominantly in the central west region…

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Tumultuous phase in Sri Lanka through the years

Sri Lanka

Colombo: Over the last several decades, Sri Lanka, an island country in the Indian Ocean south of India, has encountered many difficulties. These include a vicious thirty-year civil war, which was followed by a series of economic crises, political turbulence, and social unrest. The nation’s rebuilding attempts have been made more difficult by the residual effects of the battle, as well as the catastrophic effects of natural catastrophes, growing debt, and the worldwide COVID-19 epidemic. Notwithstanding these obstacles, Sri Lanka is poised to enter a new age marked by recovery…

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Plans on to replace Hamas regime in northern Gaza

Israel and Hamas

Tel Aviv: There is a continuous war going on between Israel and Hamas. During this, many people have also died. Israel’s National Security Advisor Tzachi Hanegbi said  that Jerusalem will soon implement a plan to replace the Hamas regime in northern Gaza. Hamas’ military ability to rule is collapsing – Hanegbi At the Reichman University’s annual Herzliya conference, Hanegbi said that the collapse of Hamas’ military ability to rule will open up opportunities for countries that want to see a governance system with local leadership as an alternative to Hamas…

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India condemns Pakistan on its stand on Kashmir in UNGA


New Delhi: India has criticized the neighboring country after Pakistan mentioned Kashmir in the United Nations General Assembly. India has condemned Pakistan’s ‘baseless comments’ on Jammu and Kashmir. India has described the statements made by Pakistan on Kashmir as politically motivated and baseless. India attacked Pakistan, saying that this is another habitual attempt to divert attention from the serious violations against children in its own country. During an open debate on children and armed conflict at the United Nations Security Council, India’s Deputy Representative to the United Nations R Ravindra…

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Decoding Joe Biden’s legacy

Washingtron: Joe Biden’s legacy as the 46th President of the United States is still evolving, but several key aspects are shaping his impact on the nation: 1. COVID-19 Response Biden’s administration focused heavily on managing the COVID-19 pandemic. Key actions included: Rolling out mass vaccination campaigns. Implementing measures to support businesses and individuals affected by the pandemic. Rejoining the World Health Organization (WHO). 2. Economic Policies Biden’s economic legacy includes: The American Rescue Plan, a $1.9 trillion stimulus package aimed at providing relief to Americans and boosting the economy. Infrastructure…

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Julian Assange release sends out a clear message

Canberra: Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, is a polarizing figure whose actions have sparked global debates on issues of freedom of speech, government transparency, and national security. His potential release from incarceration or legal entanglements prompts a myriad of reactions and implications. Background Julian Assange gained international notoriety in 2010 when WikiLeaks released a trove of classified U.S. military documents and diplomatic cables. These leaks exposed sensitive information about U.S. operations in Iraq and Afghanistan and diplomatic communications, leading to widespread controversy. Advocates hailed Assange as a champion of…

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Netanyahu optimistic of peaceful times ahead


Tel Aviv: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said that the fierce fighting in Gaza against Hamas is about to end soon. In an interview to Israeli Channel 14 TV News, Netanyahu said  that “the war in Rafah is about to end”. He also said that the war in the entire Gaza Strip is “very close” to ending. Netanyahu also said that this does not mean that the conflict with Hamas in the Gaza Strip will end. The fight against Hamas will continue, Xinhua news agency reported. Netanyahu said, after…

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Indo Pak border to play host to biggest war exercise

Kargil War

New Delhi: Kargil War…This war completely changed the Indian Army. Because the army had no experience of mountain fighting. But despite this, they were responding immediately to the continuous firing of the enemy from Tiger Hills. This war completely changed the Indian Army. Because the army had no experience of mountain fighting.  In this war, the Indian Air Force also showed its full strength. The result was that the fourth war was declared by Pakistan but once again the Indian Army ended the war. After this war, many steps were…

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Iceland PM gets inspired by work of Art of Living

New Delhi, June 25:  Art of Living founder and global spiritual guru Sri Sri Ravishankar was welcomed by Iceland Prime Minister Bjarni Benediktsson in Reykjavi, where he discussed the importance of mental health and social well-being. The meeting focused on the current state of peace in Europe, the need to address mental health issues and the importance of putting individual benefits at the core of social prosperity. Sri Sri spoke about the work of the Art of Living Foundation here, which uses time-tested meditation and breathing techniques to help people…

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World’s Gaming Revolution has witnessed giant strides

World's Gaming Revolution

Mumbai: The evolution of video games has been a remarkable journey, marked by significant advancements in technology, graphics, gameplay, and user experience. Here’s an overview of the major milestones from the early days of Nintendo to the current generation of PlayStation and Xbox consoles and beyond: Early Beginnings: Nintendo Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) (1983) Revolutionized the gaming industry with iconic titles like “Super Mario Bros.” and “The Legend of Zelda.” Introduced the concept of home console gaming on a large scale. Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) (1990) Enhanced graphics and…

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