Regular yoga improve lives of Filariasis patients in UP


Lucknow: The Yogi government is running various campaigns across Uttar Pradesh to achieve the ambitious goal of eradicating filariasis from the state by 2027.  Remarkably, the government has made significant strides in combating filariasis through yoga while the lives of filariasis patients have significantly improved through regular yoga and exercise. Under the instructions of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and the guidance of the Health Department, supporting organizations are working to reintegrate filariasis patients, who have long been isolated from society, back into the mainstream. As part of this initiative, an…

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Yoga enthusiasm cuts across age groups

Lucknow: Youngsters are increasingly influenced by yoga due to several key factors, including its physical, mental, and social benefits.  Yoga offers a full-body workout that enhances flexibility, strength, and balance, which appeals to young people looking to improve their physical fitness. Many youngsters face stress from academics, work, and social pressures. Yoga practices like meditation and deep breathing help reduce stress and promote relaxation. Yoga promotes mindfulness, which helps youngsters improve their concentration and focus, beneficial for academic and professional tasks. Regular yoga practice helps in managing emotions and reducing…

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Prepare for that perfect monsoon hike in style

monsoon hike

Lucknow: Many people like to travel during the monsoon season. If you are also fond of traveling during the rainy season and are planning to go to Karnataka or Darjeeling for vacation, then before that you must check your travel kit. Your travel kit should contain items according to the rainy season, otherwise your entire fun of traveling can be spoiled. Here we are telling you the list of items that should be in your travel kit according to the monsoon season. Waterproof bag While traveling during the monsoon season,…

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Vitamin D can help nurture kids better

Lucknow: For the physical and mental development of children, it is necessary to have all the nutrients in the body. The deficiency of even one of them can hinder their growth and can also cause many diseases. One of these essential nutrients is vitamin D, which is necessary for the body to function properly. It is necessary to strengthen bones and protect against many diseases. Due to the deficiency of vitamin D, many problems can occur in our body. Its deficiency can occur not only in adults but also in…

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Ginger can help reduce belly fat

Lucknow: Today, increasing obesity is a big problem for most people. Excessive obesity not only spoils the personality of a person but also becomes the cause of many health problems after some time. Obesity first starts appearing around your waist and stomach, which is the most difficult task to reduce. If you are also looking for easy ways to burn stubborn fat accumulated around the stomach, then the ginger kept in your kitchen can help you. Ginger is mostly used in the kitchen from making tea to enhancing the taste…

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Open gyms are in vogue in Shaan – e – Awadh

Open gyms

Lucknow: Open gyms have become increasingly popular in Lucknow, reflecting a broader trend towards outdoor fitness and wellness spaces in urban areas. These gyms offer several benefits: Accessibility: Open gyms are typically located in parks or public spaces, making them easily accessible to a wide range of people. They provide a free or low-cost alternative to traditional indoor gyms. Community Engagement: These gyms foster a sense of community by encouraging people to work out in a shared space. This can lead to increased motivation and a supportive environment for fitness…

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Cycling is a way of life in Lucknow

Lucknow: Lucknow, the capital city of Uttar Pradesh in India, has been making strides to improve its cycling infrastructure. While it might not be as advanced as some other cities globally, there are a few notable cycle tracks and initiatives aimed at promoting cycling. Here are some of the prominent cycle tracks and related developments in Lucknow: Gomti Riverfront Cycle Track: The Gomti Riverfront project includes a dedicated cycling track that runs along the scenic banks of the Gomti River. This area is popular among cyclists for its pleasant environment…

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Laughter helping ease the nerves

Lucknow: Laughter therapy, also known as humor therapy, involves the use of humor to promote overall health and wellness. It has ancient roots and has evolved significantly over time. Here’s an overview of its journey from ancient practices to modern applications: Ancient Roots Traditional Practices: Indigenous Cultures: Various indigenous cultures incorporated humor in their rituals and social interactions. For example, Native American tribes often included clowns in their spiritual ceremonies to relieve stress and bring joy. Ancient Greece: Greek physicians, including Hippocrates, recognized the therapeutic benefits of laughter, believing it…

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Make best use of the early morning walk

Lucknow: Morning walks offer a range of benefits that contribute to a healthy lifestyle while being enjoyable. Here are some reasons why morning walks can make healthy living fun: Physical Health Benefits Cardiovascular Health: Walking helps improve heart health by increasing heart rate and improving circulation. Weight Management: Regular walks can help maintain a healthy weight or contribute to weight loss. Muscle Strengthening: Walking strengthens muscles, particularly in the legs and core. Bone Health: It can help increase bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis. Boosts Immune System: Regular physical…

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Good lifestyle changes in office helps


Lucknow: Implementing good lifestyle changes in an office environment can significantly improve employees’ overall well-being, productivity, and job satisfaction. Here are some practical and effective lifestyle changes that can be encouraged in the workplace: 1. Ergonomic Workstations Adjustable Chairs and Desks: Ensure chairs and desks are adjustable to maintain proper posture and reduce strain. Monitor Height: Keep computer screens at eye level to prevent neck and eye strain. Keyboard and Mouse Placement: Position keyboards and mice to allow comfortable typing and prevent wrist strain. 2. Encourage Regular Movement Standing Desks:…

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