After Arvind Kejriwal arrest, more action follows suit

New Delhi. The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has raided the house of Aam Aadmi Party MLA Gulab Singh Yadav this Saturday morning. This is a major action by the Central Investigation Agency after arresting Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal.

ED officials are present at the house of Gulab Singh Yadav, Aam Aadmi Party MLA from Matiala in the National Capital Region. It is being said that this action is also related to the alleged Delhi Excise (Liquor) Policy scam case.

It is noteworthy that ED has arrested Kejriwal in this case on the night of March 21. Rouse Avenue Court sent Kejriwal to ED custody till March 28 yesterday.

On the ED raid on party MLA Gulab Singh Yadav, Delhi Minister and AAP leader Saurabh Bhardwaj said, “Not only in India but people all over the world have come to know that the BJP government is busy putting the entire opposition in jail.  India is following the path of Russia… This has been seen in Bangladesh, Pakistan, North Korea and now India is also on the same path.”

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