HJB Hostel Hosts farewell and alumni meet

HJB hostel

Lucknow: HJB hostel situated at the second campus, University Of Lucknow, Lucknow hosted the farewell and alumni. Meet. The event marked the felicitation of former students and the final year students of the LL. B(5 Year), LL. B(3Year) and LLM hostel inmates.

40 Judges, 8 assitant professors and other eminent advocates were felicitated in the event. The event also witnessed the cultural programmes performed by the residents.  Vice Chancellor Of University Of Lucknow Lucknow, who was also the chief guest of the event, graced the event with his presence at HJB Hostel.

He not only felicitated the students but also prayed for their bright future. On this ocassion the director of new campus University of Lucknow, professor RK Singh, Dean Student Welfare professor Sangita Sahu, chief provost professor Anoop Kumar Singh and Provost of HJB Hostel Dr. Archana Singh and the assistant provosts also marked their presence in the memorable evening.

This event felicitated those who have played a vital role in the legal field and have contributed towards the betterment of the society through their services. While addrssing the students, professor Alok Kumar Rai appreciated the efforts of students and said that the law hostel from the day of its inaugration has been attaining greater heights day by day it has set a milestone in the legal history of nation which is a inspiration for the future generations to come, delivering the welcome speech,cheif provost professor Anoop Kumar Singh not only welcome the estemeed guest, faculty members and students but also acknowledged the dedication and hard work of the students in organising such grand event.

At the dusk of event provost of homi jehangir bhabha hostel Dr. Archana Singh thanked all the guest, faculty members, guests, alumni and hostel inmates for successfully organising the event and creating an another landmark in the history of homi jehangir bhabha law hostel.”

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