Lucknow: A Graduation ceremony was held at S R International School and Sports Academy located at Bakshi Ka Talab. On this occasion, Chairman of the Institute Pawan Singh Chauhan, Vice Chairperson Sushmita Singh Chauhan, Chairperson Nirmala Singh Chauhan, Executive Director of the Institute Monica Tiwari and parents were present.
The program started with lighting of the lamp. Children presented colorful programs in the program. On this occasion, the annual report of the children was given to the parents, in which information was given about the various activities being done by the children in the school.
At the same time, children whose class attendance percentage was good were honored with gifts. Whereas the children who participated in the activities conducted on different occasions in the school were given appreciation letters.
On this occasion, Chairman of the institute Pawan Singh Chauhan expressed his gratitude to all the parents who came and also requested the parents to motivate their children to study at home.