Young turks all set to soak in Management mantra at L.U.

Lucknow University

Lucknow: Institute of Management Sciences organized an Orientation Program for the newly admitted BBA (NEP) 2024 students under the supervision of the esteemed Vice Chancellor of Lucknow University, Professor Alok Kumar Rai and OSD IMS Professor Vinita Kachar.

Professor Sangeeta Sahu, Dean Faculty of Management Studies (FMS) and Head of LUMBA graced the event as the Chief Guest. On this occasion, Director II Campus, Professor Rakesh Kumar Singh, faculty members of IMS, newly admitted students of BBA (NEP) were also present.

The program started with lighting of the lamp, singing of the Kulgeet of Lucknow University and welcome address by the esteemed Professor Vinita Kachar. Professor Kachar welcomed the esteemed Dean Professor Sangeeta Sahu, Professor Rakesh Kumar Singh, Director II Campus, students and parents.

The Orientation Program was organized in two sessions. In the Address and Felicitation Session, Professor Singh told the students that they are in the hands of Professor Kachar who is the pilot of IMS, who is successful in making all the students achieve their goals.

Students should work to reach heights as great businessmen/industrialists and he also explained the role of networking in the field of management. In the course of the program, Professor Sahu told the children about management skills through three different stories, one should be awake, agile and alert, one should always be ready to rethink, in the end he told the students that one should be confident and excellent no matter what his field is.

In the end, Prof. Amitabh Roy thanked Vice Chancellor Prof. Alok Rai, all the dignitaries, OSD IMS, faculty members, students and parents. This event was successfully completed with the coordination of all including Discipline Committee, IT Cell and Anchor Dr. Ruchi Mishra.

An orientation program was successfully organized for the newly admitted MA first semester students in the Department of Ancient Indian History and Archaeology in which all the teachers of the department were present. Head of the Department Prof. Anil Kumar welcomed them and gave a brief introduction of the department as well as introduced them to the teachers of the department. Apart from this, teachers like Prof. Prashant Srivastava, Prof. Mamta Mishra, Prof. Piyush Bhargava, Prof. Durgesh Kumar Srivastava, Prof. Umesh Singh etc. made the students aware of many aspects related to the department and the university.

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