When medics turn angels the world looks happy

Lucknow Academy of Pediatrics

Lucknow: Many would remember Robin Williams playing Patch Adams trying to make  patients happy. In real life doctors too have a role to help those in pain tide past their pain and bring back smiles. Lucknow Adolescent Health Academy, a unit of Lucknow Academy of Pediatrics is doing just that. It is not only touching lives of the underprivileged through medical treatment, it is also  organizing special awarness drives.

A health camp and awareness talk was held for over 20 underprivileged families of Jugoli slum, Lucknow on 31st August to observe the IAP charity day.

Free medicines were distributed & Free of cost hemoglobin testing was done for those needing it. Nutritious ladoos were distributed to all attendees. This camp was organised in association with Robinhood Army, an NGO working for underprivileged children and Dynoscan. Dr Lokesh Sharma & Dr Shalini Bhasin rendered their services. On behalf of LAP & LAHA, another session was held on Healthy Lifestyle to avoid Non Communicable diseases, in association with Cii-Yi & Sarthak foundation at their new Kutubpur branch with 40 Junior & 10 senior students
The senior students plan to do a Nukad Natak soon.

Dr Shalini Bhasin,  Rahul Rajan and  Ruhi Daruka rendered their services on behalf of their organizations.

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