War in Gaza takes a toll on Al Jazeera

Tel Aviv: The offices of news channel Al Jazeera will be closed in Israel. Giving this information , Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that his government has decided to close the offices of Qatar-owned broadcaster Al Jazeera in Israel.

This decision has come at a time when Qatar is helping in the ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas regarding the war in Gaza. Netanyahu announced this decision on It is not known when this decision will come into effect. “My government has unanimously decided that the inflammatory channel Al Jazeera will be closed down in Israel,” Netanyahu said in the post. There is currently no response from Al Jazeera’s headquarters in Doha, the capital of Qatar.

A correspondent for Al Jazeera’s Arabic service said the order would affect the channel’s operations in Israel and East Jerusalem. Al Jazeera has been continuously broadcasting war news since Hamas attacked Israel on October 7. The correspondent said that this will not affect Al Jazeera’s work in the Palestinian territories. Another correspondent on Al Jazeera’s English channel said the order barred the channel from keeping offices open or operating in Israel. He said that Al Jazeera’s website will be blocked. However, access to them continued in Jerusalem as of Sunday afternoon.

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Israeli media said that according to the government’s decision, the channel will be stopped from operating in the country for 45 days. Israel’s Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi said in a video posted on Twitter that the channel’s equipment would be confiscated. This decision threatens to increase Israel’s tensions with Qatar. This decision has come at a time when the Qatari government is playing an important role in mediation efforts with Egypt and the US to stop the war in Gaza.

Israel has long had a troubled relationship with Al Jazeera, accusing it of bias. Relations deteriorated further almost two years ago, when Al Jazeera correspondent Shirin Abu Aqleh was killed during an Israeli military attack in the occupied West Bank. Relations between Israel and the channel became further strained during the Israel–Hamas war.


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