U.P. all set for a green turnaround

Lucknow: Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath virtually interacted with public representatives like Gram Pradhan, Kshetra Panchayat President, District Panchayat President, Nagar Panchayat President, Municipal Council President, Mayor of Municipal Corporations etc. with the aim of giving the form of a mass movement to the tree plantation campaign to be organized on July 20 with the resolution of Plant Trees-Save Trees. In this virtual dialogue program, the public representatives apprised the Chief Minister of their respective action plans. During this, CM Yogi gave the instructions given below.

● The state government has planted more than 168 crore saplings in the last 07 years, taking environmental protection works as a top priority. You will feel happy to know that 75-80% of these plants have been confirmed to be safe in the third party audit.

● No one will be able to forget this year’s heat, heatwave for a long time. The campaign of July 20 is very important to prevent its recurrence in future. Our mother earth will not be safe from concrete jungles, we have to give them their original form.

● On the upcoming 20th July, the whole state is going to join the Mahabhiyan of tree plantation. This time our target is to plant 36 crore 50 lakh saplings. This is a big target, participation of all of you is necessary in this. Everyone has to make efforts. There is a need to connect people with the message of ‘Plant trees – save trees’.

● Public awareness is the first requirement to make the tree plantation campaign successful. Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has inspired every countryman to plant ‘one tree in the name of mother’. Every citizen of Uttar Pradesh will join the Prime Minister’s sentiment and contribute to making this year’s ‘Van Mahotsav’ an unprecedented success. Not only do we have to plant trees, but their protection is also our responsibility. All departments / bodies have been given targets for tree plantation. Plant trees with full enthusiasm and zeal. Make tree plantation a mass movement.

● Allow PM/CM Awas Yojana beneficiaries to plant Moringa. Plants can be planted along the roads and on dividers. Plants should also be planted at suitable places on the banks of rivers.

● Our Rishi tradition tells us that “Naasti Moolam Anaushadhan” i.e. there is no root from which no medicine can be made. That is why plant different types of plants. Somewhere there should be shady trees, somewhere there should be fruit-bearing trees, somewhere there should be timber trees and somewhere there should be medicinal plants.

● Plant trees near the Amrit Sarovar, near the banks of rivers. Planting trees will make the rivers perennial. Plant Peepal, Pakkad, Jamun, Mango, Neem, Guteel, Banyan, Harsingar, Maulshree, Chitvan, Arjun etc. Pakkad even has a branch. It can be planted at the shelter for destitute cows. Make a garden in the memory of ancestors, great men, freedom fighters, martyrs.

● Planting a tree is as important as its conservation. In such a situation, along with planting trees, also install tree-guards. Ensure who will take care of which plant and how. This is for the future of all of us. We all have to work together with full seriousness. Take selfies and also upload them on social media platforms.

● Encouraging tree plantation under MNREGA, very useful efforts are being made in the interest of farmers and environment in the form of ‘Mukhyamantri Krishak Vriksh Dhan’, Chief Minister’s Fruit Garden and Chief Minister’s Community Forestry and Social Forestry Scheme of Forest Department. Under this scheme, if the beneficiary of MNREGA plants trees on his land and protects them, then he is being given financial incentives. Promote it in your area and benefit the farmers. This will also lead to tree plantation and increase the income of farmers.

● We have to do water conservation work to keep the water level right. There should also be an effort to prepare a compost pit in every village. We all have to avoid the use of single-use plastic. This is necessary for everyone. Everyone has to stop using single-use plastic.

● The result of efforts made in the last 7 years for environmental protection is that Uttar Pradesh is going to get Rs 200 crore in the form of carbon credit. Its benefit will be given to those 25 thousand farmers who have contributed to this campaign. Very soon we will invite the farmers and honor them.

● Gram Pradhan, Area Panchayat President, District Panchayat President, Nagar Panchayat President, Municipal Council President, Mayor of Municipal Corporations should prepare a detailed action plan by meeting with their members / councilors. Decide where the plantation is to be done, which plant is to be planted.

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