U.P. Agri Minister calls for making Yoga part of daily routine

Lucknow: Agriculture Minister of Uttar Pradesh,  Surya Pratap Shahi attended the International Yoga Day program organized near the Collectorate building in Azamgarh. Welcoming and greeting the dignitaries present in the yoga practice, he said that yoga is a priceless heritage given by our sages. A person can achieve a healthy and long life through yoga. Therefore, yoga should be made a part of one’s daily life.

Agriculture Minister  Surya Pratap Shahi, while inaugurating the Yoga Day, said that yoga is beneficial even in complex and incurable diseases. Yogasana is an effective method, by which complex diseases can be avoided. He said that the Prime Minister of the country, Narendra Modi, has made Indian yoga popular all over the world by getting it recognized on the international platform. On this occasion, 21 June is celebrated as International Yoga Day. Its popularity is continuously increasing in India. People are becoming healthy by adopting yoga.


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